Chapter 57: Statis Quo

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The thick mist had rolled in unexpectedly from the direction of Mirkwood, enveloping the entire town and nearly half the lake in a dense blanket of fog. The mist was abnormal for it had overtaken the city mid-afternoon. It was thick and almost tangible as if made from an oppressive shadow. Even the lanterns that swung and creaked in the chill breeze struggled to cut through the enveloping gloom.

"It's no use," called the elf prince from the top of the watchtower. "Still no visibility." Thorin cursed under his breath as he climbed the last few steps to see for himself. Grudgingly he had to admit that even his superior night vision could not penetrate the haze.

"I don't like it," he grumbled, turning in a circle, hoping to see something, anything but the dense fog. "It's not natural."

"Agreed." Legolas frowned in the low light of the lantern hung above them. "It's all too convenient that it should have come from Mirkwood to cover Escaroth. There is a quality about this mist that smacks of a wizard's magic."

"Is he capable of such a thing?" The elf shrugged.

"I'm no wizard, but if the conditions were favorable then it would certainly not surprise me. It puts us at quite the disadvantage for we are unable to spot any bird or spies he might send."

"What of the orcs? Any movement?"

"They vanished mid-day yesterday."

"And your last estimate of their numbers?"

"Somewhere in the thirties, but we can't be certain," admitted Legolas. "I have set all who can be spared to patrol along the edge of the forest."

"How many is that?"

"Eleven with the three that arrived yesterday, although we had to detain two more." Legolas's cheerless tone made it plain he regretted having to imprison his own kind.

"I sent Fili, Dwalin, Dori, Nori, Gloin, and Bifur to patrol the edges of town in pairs in case they should try and enter by water."

"And the others of the company?" asked the elf.

"Sara remains at the Masters, still searching the records for any trace to her family. The rest of the company is with Balin restocking the packs. I will not be caught without proper supplies again."

"Understandable, though orcs and low supplies may be the least of our concerns today," said Legolas. Thorin frowned. They couldn't help but overhear the whispered conversations among the townspeople and the energy of the atmosphere had shifted.

"There is a revolt in the air," said Thorin with a sigh. "Rather poor timing."

"Indeed, it is most inopportune timing. With orcs at their gates and a wizard to the West, they shall need every able-bodied man available and yet they squabble." Silence enveloped them momentarily as they each gave way to their own thoughts. "Do you intend to step in?" asked Legolas. "It's likely to happen soon, in fact, I would be much surprised if they didn't use this fog to their advantage."

"I'm not sure we could stop it, even if I desired to."

"Perhaps if we joined them we could minimize the loss of life while still ridding ourselves of the Master," suggested Legolas. Thorin grunted noncommittally.

"I don't relish getting directly involved with their politics."

"Will you condemn them to their fate? Surely there must be something we're able to do." Thorin thought for a moment before straitening.

The Undecided Title Of Sara Miller *Hobbit Fanfiction* (Thorin/OC)Where stories live. Discover now