Chapter 10: Kisses, Trolls, and an Argument

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Four days after the river incident the company was still traveling along the main road and had entered a dense forest. To everyone's relief, the weather had finally shifted for the better and Thorin had called a halt to their march when they stumbled across the burnt-out shell of a farmhouse. Vines and creepers wound their way over the charred remains as nature sought to expunge its existence. Gandalf however was uneasy with their surroundings and had a quiet but heated argument with Thorin which resulted in the wizard storming off, muttering under his breath about the stubbornness of dwarves.

Sara's leg and foot were well on the way to mending and though her boots were still uncomfortable to wear Oin had given her the all-clear. By now her midriff looked like a bad tie-dye job of greens and yellows but most of the pain had subsided as had Sara's supply of Tylenol. Fili was fully recovered and was as active and rambunctious as ever, much to the chagrin of the others.

Despite her protestations, Fili and Kili doted on her as she recovered, insisting on helping her around the camp and setting up and taking down her tent. It had been entertaining for Sara and Bilbo to watch the ensuing fiasco as the brothers attempted to erect her tent that first night. Only after several failed attempts, lots of coaching, and some very nearly snapped tent poles did Fili and Kili finally manage it.

The effects of the incident at the river were felt throughout the entire company, particularly by their bellies. Unsurprisingly they had been unable to recover the pony that had fallen into the river alongside Kili. All of its supplies, which had been mostly food, had been lost. Of what little food the other ponies had carried much had been spoiled by the torrential rain and what remained did not last. The company was forced to hunt food along the road as they may. Bilbo, as it turned out, was particularly good at finding edible plants, and Sara greatly appreciated the sweet potatoes he found. Two squirrels and a rabbit were the second day's meal and the third Sara had offered her MRE's, but so little among so many was hardly enough.

This fourth night they were faring better as Kili had killed three rabbits and two fat pheasants. Bilbo had found a root cellar near the old farmhouse and a long-neglected garden containing some of last year's potatoes, carrots, and some fresh growing onions. After the MRE's the night before the prospect of a proper stew had the company more cheery than they had been of late; even with the absence of Gandalf.

Most of the company had returned to their previous level of acceptance of Sara and she once again grew at ease with them. Thorin still did not speak to her unless necessary but he no longer shot her dirty looks or huffed irritably when she passed by him. Her evenings are once again filled with laughter, hair braiding, and whittling. Bofur still teased her and Dwalin continued to check on her from time to time.

Oin requested to learn CPR which Sara had gladly done, though she refused to demonstrate the mouth-to-mouth, much to the disappointment of Bofur who was acting as her mannequin at the time. Balin, Dori, Nori, Gloin, and even Bilbo learned the technique but none more enthusiastically than Bilbo who stated that hobbits were poor swimmers and this could be very helpful in the Shire should he ever return. Most of the others watched as she taught them and even Thorin and Gandalf listened in, though Sara noted that Fili was conspicuously absent even though Kili was nearby.

Bilbo it seemed had made some new friends. Bombur who was camp cook had grumbled loudly one night as he set about to prepare dinner, and Bilbo had offered him his help. The two had become fast friends, bonding over the food, and could be found most nights busily swapping advice back and forth. Bilbo had also managed to befriend Dori by offering to share the tea he had brewed from ingredients found along the roadside. Dori was fond of tea but seldom had any since the others were not partial to what they called boiled leaf juice. The two chatted amiably long into the night. Occasionally even Gloin would bend Bilbo's ear with tales of his son. Sara suspected that these were rather one-sided conversations but Bilbo proved patient and in return gained another hesitant friend. Sara had even sat with them a few times listening to stories about Gimli. It was interesting to know more about Gimli's past.

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