Chapter 22: Into the Mountains

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In which they leave Rivendell behind and Sara is surprised.

Their departure from Rivendell was swift and silent. Thorin led Sara through Lord Elrond's home, across the gardens, and into the woods. They were only a few steps inside the forest when Sara stopped; the trees overhead were blocking the moon's light and she could no longer see the ground.

"Thorin," she called. She heard him stop ahead of her.

"Ms. Sara," came his reply.

" Hold on for a second. I can't see; the trees are blocking the moon's light." She pulled off her pack and began to unzip it.

"What are you doing?" he asked from the dark.

"I'm getting my headlamp. I think it's right… Ah!" She held up the light and closed her pack and restored it to her back. She settled the headlamp on to her head and pushed the power button. Nothing happened. She pushed it again. Nothing. She cursed under her breath.

"What is it?" asked Thorin.

"The batteries are dead and those were the last ones I had." It was silent for a moment and then he returned to her.

"Your light is inoperable?" he asked. She nodded. A large hand encircled hers and begin to guide her along. It was slow going and after the third time that her foot caught on the undergrowth Thorin stopped them. "Get on my back," he said letting go of her hand.

"Are you sure?" she asked hesitantly.

"You cannot see and guiding you over and around everything is too slow and cumbersome," he replied. "Time is of the essence. Get on my back."

"Okay," she said. He took her hands and guided her up onto his back wrapping his arms under her legs behind her knees, staggering a bit as he took on her weight. Sara leaned forward to trying to balance but apparently it was not enough.

"Wrap your arms around my neck and lean farther forward," he said. She hesitated to move. "You and your pack will overbalance me if you do not." She leaned forward cautiously and did as he said gripping his coat and breathing in his scent as her face was pressed into his hair.

"Is this okay?" she asked. He nodded and began to walk quickly and surely though the wood. They moved swiftly now and in about ten minutes they came to a small clearing. The others are all gathered and Sara could see them now as the moon shone down on them. Thorin let her slide from his back and went to talk to Balin, Dwalin and Nori.

"We thought you would never get here," said Fili coming over to greet her.

"Yeah where have you been?" asked Kili scowling at her.

"I got taken to a council with Lord Elrond, Gandalf, Lady Galadriel, and Saruman," she said, letting her pack drop to the ground and stuffing the dead headlamp inside.

"Who is Saruman?" asked Kili.

"Saruman is the white wizard. Unfortunately he's the head of the White Council." She let out a curse straightening. "Please, please, please tell me you have my tent," she said looking at the two of them.

"I told you her pack was too light," chided Fili smacking his brother.

"Uncle told me to hurry," defended Kili scowling at his brother and rubbing the back of his head. "I grabbed everything I could find."

The Undecided Title Of Sara Miller *Hobbit Fanfiction* (Thorin/OC)Where stories live. Discover now