Chapter 3: Pain of the Past

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3rd Person P.O.V.

Tears threatened as the door closed behind Atlanna, but Percy held them back. 

Nearly every conversation with his mother-his real mother-ended in an awkward silence or a heated pause. He was used to it, but still....

It was now 2012, two years since the Second Gigantomachy against Gaea and her brood of Giants. Many demigod lives were lost, but they prevailed. However it didn't come out with a cost, one in which Percy was not expecting. 

His sea green eyes were stained with tears as he struggled to comprehend the betrayal, it was like a poisoned dagger had pierced his heart.

What did he do to deserve this? Why do the Moirai hate him so much?

Was it because he was an illegal child?

Was it because he defied all odds? Faced two prophecies back to back?

Whatever the reason was, the answer eludes him. He kept wandering back to that day years ago, the day he got home to start winter break when everything he thought he knew turned out to be a lie.


"Mom I'm home!" Perseus "Percy" Jackson, demigod son of Poseidon and the Savior of Olympus exclaimed acting all bubby and excited when he bounded through the doors of his home.

He was met with silence, no smell of lights were on....and most of all it was silent. This was unusual for the Jackson home, Sally Jackson, Percy's mother was normally seen in the kitchen baking a fest for her son and husband (by feast Percy meant the best stake with mashed potatoes and vegetables, topped with homemade gravy that was neither too salty and bitter or sweet and sour. For desert she always made blue food ranging from blue cake to blue cookies that were to die for (fun fact: Several people at Camp Half Blood nearly died because they wanted more blue cookies))

So yes, this sight to Percy was unnerving him.

Reaching into his pocket he pulled out his ballpoint pen and uncapping it, a foot long Xiphos called Anaklusmos (Greek for Riptide), Percy's prized sword made of Celestial Bronze. A material that is deadly to gods, demigods, Titans, Giants, and monsters but does not affect mortals as it passes through them harmlessly because of their unimportance.

"Mom? Paul? Estelle?" Percy called out, cautiously walking through the apartment incase a monster had someone managed to track down where he lives. He would put it pass them since most would be wanting revenge on him for killing them or even the ones who have a grudge against the gods.

As he reached the dinning room he noticed some papers lying on the table which furthered put him unease, his mother never left her work lying around. She always keeps any loose knit papers in a shoe box or file folder, but it is mostly bills and receipts that are needed for later. As an author, she tends to keep her stories on her computer guarded by several passcodes and toughnut firewalls.

Where she learned such a thing Percy would never know, but as he scanned the papers he noticed that none of them were receipts nor was it any of her printed drafts for her upcoming story.

They were letters.

Lots of them and the demigod counted at least forty of them.

"What on earth is Mom doing with all these letters?" he thought as he picked one envelope up and inspected it when he noticed a familiar crest, one he had seen a few times in his father's palace after the Titan War, having been allowed entry to help with the clean up.

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