Chapter 6: Test #1-The Blooding

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3rd Person P.O.V.

The entire Matalian royal court seated in the royal enclosure inside the Kolisseo, a huge open-water stone theater that dates back far before Atlantis's fall. Poseidon and Atlanna sat together with Queen Amphitrite in the front of the enclosure on three silver thrones. The former Regina was spectacular in a jeweled golden grown, her long blond hair coiled at the nape of her neck. A ceremonial breastplate made of blue abalone shells covered her torso and gossamer skirts of indigo sea silk billowed out below. 

Atlanna's eldest son Arthur was in his standard Aquaman attire, orange and green royal sea-scales draped with green scaled gloves. His hand gripped the Trident of Atlan, forged of the most powerful metal to ever exist aside from Uru Metal, Poseidon Steel and with it, he could move the very oceans themselves. 

Percy's father, Poseidon God of the Seas was sat directly behind Arthur and Atlanna. God or no, the acting regent was the highest authority. Gods who were lovers of the king or queen could are could be princes or princesses of the blood or prince consorts if they married. With Poseidon, due to his status as the official ruler of the seas, this tradition was altered. 

In front of them, on a stone dais, was a circlet of hammered gold embedded with pearls, emeralds, and red coral-Atlan's crown. It was ancient and precious, a hallowed symbol of the unbroken rule of Atlanteanvigina.   

The Empress and crown princess sat directly behind Emperor Bilaal. Fanning from the royal enclosure were the Atlantean Magi-Arion the canta magus, keeper of magic; Fossegrim, the liber magus, the keeper of knowledge-and the realms most power dukes and duchessas. Lucian Volnero was there too, drawing in every eye with her shimmering gown along with his mother Portia Volnero in a regal purple dress, with her long aurban hair worn loose and flowing, was absolutely stunning. 

Behind the duchessas and dukes sat the rest of the court-hundreds of nobles, ministers, and councilors, all in their costly robes of state. It was a sumptuous spectacle of power and wealth.   

In the crowd of royals sat two of Percy and Arthur's closest friends; Tula and Garth. Tula resembled a Caucasian teenager with ruddy hair, aquamarine eyes and a slender build. Her hair was worn in a pixie cut with longer bangs framing her face. She wore a skintight, light yellow tank-top that revealed her midriff, with aquamarine hemming in a pattern resembling a low neckline and around the edges. Around her waist she wore a short sarong-like cloth fastened with a ring with the end of the cloth hanging to her front. On her forearms were light yellow, short, fingerless, formal gloves while on her ankles and feet she wore what resemble light yellow yoga socks. She also wore an aquamarine choker around her neck.

Garth resembles a Caucasian teenager, with black hair, purple eyes and a slender build. His hair is relatively long, but a portion of it is caught up in a ponytail at the point of his back of the head, and the rest comes down to the nape of his neck and jawline. He wears a skin-tight swimsuit that exposes his arms and legs. It is predominantly blue-gray, although on the torso it has a midnight blue vest-shaped design, with azure lines tracing its edges and collar area. Around his waist, he dons a matching belt with attached tassets hanging down over his upper thighs. He also wears midnight blue bands around his forelimbs.

"Where's Percy?" Tula whispered. 

"He's not in the Kolisseo yet. The Janicari bring him here for the blooding, the first test" Garth whispered back, every seat in the Kolisseo had been taken and a tense, expectant energy filled the water. White lava illuminated the dark waters. It boiled and sat inside glass globes that had been set into large whelk shells and placed in wall mounts. 

To obtain lava, magma was channeled from deep seams under the North Sea by goblin miners, the fractious Feuerkumpel, one of the Kobold tribes. It was refined and whitened, the poured into glass tough enough to withstand its lethal heat by goblin glassblowers, they equally unpleasant Hollenlaser. 

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