Chapter 15: Something Revealed

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3rd Person P.O.V.

Percy, Zatanna, Adam, Amora, Doctor Strange (whom decided to get to know Fate's pupils as according to Wong he has horrible social skills that needs work), Garth, and Tula arrived in Johannesburg in South Africa after picking up several mystical disturbances.

"So you want to run by that again?" Zatanna asked dumfounded, staring at Stephan whom couldn't tell if he should be pissed or resigned. 

"After we got back from Sokovia, Tony Stark and Bruce Banner started to experiment with Loki's scepter where they hoped to somehow built an AI bent on protecting the world from powerful threats from the unknown" everyone was thinking who in their right mind would allow two scientists to experiment with a foreign object "The ULTRON project as they so called it, was no where near complete at yesterday he suddenly came online and let me tell you, he's not friendly"

"Great, who doesn't love robots that want to take over the world" Adam said sarcastically 
"What else can we expect?"

"Wanda and Pietro Maximoff, two natives from Sokovia whom survived a STARK Industries bomb and were subsequently admitted into a Sokovian orphanage. By the time the twins reached adulthood, had become a war zone, with foreign forces led by the United States  invading their streets frequently. Maximoff and her took part in various riots to drive the Americans out of their home. What the twins did not realize was that the riots were orchestrated by , who had taken up residence in the country and were using its upheavals to cover up their experiments. During one such riot, the Maximoff's were among the protesters approached by , who offered them a way to achieve the power needed to end war in Sokovia" Amora explained "All the other volunteers perished in the experiments with Loki's scepter, but the Maximoff's survived gaining abilities in the prophecy" Amora said.

"How do you know all that?" Strange asked for he had not disclosed any of the information as of yet.

The Asgardian sorceress gave the man a unimpressed look, "Pietro Maximoff has the ability to run at superhuman speeds, but no where near the Flash's level" she said "As for how I know, Odin keeps an eye on Midgard and his foresight is beyond your comprehension"

"And the girl?" Garth asked "What did she get?"

Amora pursed her lips, to her the revelation was shocking and alarming. It meant that the Lords of Chaos were truly manipulating the events of time, King T'Challa being put on the throne two years earlier than expected, Strange being introduced to sorcery a year early.....the list went on. It also meant the Lords of Chaos feared the prophecy, they were afraid of their return. 

"As a result of exposure to the cosmic energies from the Scepter, Maximoff gained an array of psionic powers. These powers manifest as a luminescent vapor or mist of red hue emanating from her hands and body" Amora explained.

"Chaos Magic" Percy said in realization "She's a Lord of Chaos"

"" Amora said gaining a confused look from the mage "She does have Chaos Magic but she isn't aware of it nor her destiny which is that of the fabled Scarlet Witch, a being of unimaginable power. The Lords of Chaos know this and want her dead"

"Why?" Tula asked. 

"Because they're afraid" Amora explained as if it said everything which it kind of did. 

"So what's the plan? The Avengers are probably dealing with Ultron and the twins are going to be with them" Garth said "Not to mention if the Lords of Chaos want her dead, then they'll most likely be there"

Strange gained a contemplative look on his face, "I have an idea" he said "But it may or may not work"


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