Chapter 4: Jealous

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3rd Person P.O.V.

Percy hated the hot-spring atmosphere. He hated the whispers, the glances, the toadying smiles. At court, he must dress just so. Always swim gracefully. Never raise his voice. Smile and nod, and talk about the tides when he'd much be riding his hippocamp Clio or exploring the ruins of the reggia, Atlan's ancient palace. He hated the suffocating weight of expectation, the constant pressure to be perfect-and the pointed looks and barbed comments when he was not.

He may have been born as royalty, but he was raised as a commoner and fighting wars for child neglecting gods while his brother was being groomed by both their parents in how to live life like a royal and be a hero. 

When Percy came to Atlantis, he wasn't given that luxury. 

"Two minutes" he whispered.

With a flick of his feet, he rushed to the opposite end of his bedroom. He pushed open a pair of glass doors and swam onto his balcony, startling two small sea robins resting on its rails. And beyond the balcony was the royal city.

Poseidonis, broad and sprawling had grown through the centuries from the first Atlantean settlement into the center of Atlantean culture that is was today. Ancient and magnificent, it had been built from blue quartz mined deep under the seabed. At this time of day, the sun's rays penetrated the Devil's Tail, a protective thorn thicket that floated above it, and struck the rooftops, making them sparkle.

The original palace had been built in the center of Poseidonis. Its roof had collapsed several centuries ago and a new palace had been built high on a seamount-a baroque construction of coral, quartz, and mother-of-pearl-for the royal family and its court. The ruins of the reggia still lay ruined preserved within the city, a reminder of the past.

Percy's eyes traveled over Poseidonis's winding streets to the spires of the Kolegio-with its black-robbed professors and enormous Ostrokan, to the Golden Fathom-where tall town houses, fashionable restaurants, and expensive shops were located. And then farther still, out past the city walls to the Kolisseo where the royal flag of Atlantis, a gold sharks tooth on a branch of red coral against a white background and that of the Matali-a dragon rampant holding a silver blue egg were flying. 

The Kolisseo was where, in just a few hours, Percy would undergo his Dokimi in front of the court, the Matali royals, the citizens of Atlantis.....and Tama the crown princess of Matali whom Percy had never met and the things he heard he didn't like. 

She's a party goer, a total slob and....unattractive. She stayed out shoaling until all hours, swam fast with crowd. Spent fortunes on mounts for caballabong, a game much like the human's polo. He wasn't sure if he should believe the stories, but from the pictures Orm and Arthur had shown him, he knew that they were true and the royal family of Matali only said and did the things they did to keep up a good appearance. 

"Perseus you must come now! Arion is due at any moment and you know he doesn't like waiting!" Tavia shouted. 

"Coming Tavia...." Percy called swimming back to his bedroom. 


"Great Goddess Gaea! I said I'm coming"

"Daughter of Atlan and Earth, chosen one....."

Percy stopped dead. That wasn't Tavia's voice, it wasn't coming from the other side of the doors. 

It was right behind him

"Who's there?" he asked whirling around. 

"The end begins, your time has come...."

"Giovanna, is that you? Rama?"

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