Chapter 5: Struggles

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3rd Person P.O.V.

Arion, the Canta Magus was not amused. 

He floated in the doorway of the antechamber, arms crossed over his heart. His long brown hair came down past his shoulders and ocean green eyes sparkled with power and beauty, filled with untold wisdom and knowledge as if Thalassa herself had touched him at birth. He wore black leather not like that of Hades or his brood, but more like the silk robes seen in movies set in midlevel times which brought out his beautiful and smooth tan skin.

A red gem sat just down below his neck holding up a black and red cape that flowed from his lack and narrowly hit the ground. He smiled at Percy and it was then that the son of Poseidon noticed that two of his sparkling white teeth were shaped like fangs.  

The entire chamber had gone quiet. Arion, Atlantis's keeper of magic and one of the most powerful mage's to have existed in all of history, was the most powerful song caster in the realm. No one misbehaved in his presence-ever. Even Atlanna sat up straighter when Arion entered the room. He was once a former King of Atlantis, hailing from a time before Atlan (who was his descendent) and when he was displeased, nothing good came from it. 

"Causing trouble again Lucian?" he finally said "Nothing surprising from a Volnero. Do you remember what bad behavior got to your ancestor Kalummus? No? Let me remind you. It got his head in a basket. Likewise your great aunt Livilla, I would watch myself if I were you"

Lucian's eyes flashed venomously at the unwelcomed reminder of her ancestors dark deeds. Kalummus had tried to assissinate Atlan and rule in his stead. He'd been captured and beheaded, his family banished. Two thousand years later, Livilla tried to raise an army against the regent. She too had been executed. Though these events happened centuries ago, suspicion shrouded the Volnero like sea mist. 

"And you Bianca" Arion continued "A true di Remora. Always following the big fish. You might want to reassess your loyalties. The Atlanteanvigina are Atlanteans and always will be. Alitheia ensures that" he waved a heavy jeweled hand. "Out. Now." he ordered "All of you except the principe"

Percy knew that Arion had come to drill him on his songspell. He was his teacher after all. 

"Your Dokimi is only a few hours away. As of yesterday, that trill in the fifth measure wasn't where it should be. It should be quick and bright, like dolphins jumping, not lumbering like a whale shark. We have work to do" Arion said

"Yes Magistrai" Percy said

"From the beginning please"

Percy started to sing....and immediately stumbled. 

"Again" the canta magus demanded "This time no mistakes. The songspell is suppose to demonstrate excellence, and you are not even showing me competence"

Percy started over, this time he got well into the songspell-and past the difficult part-without mistake. His eyes darted from the wall ahead of him, where he'd focus his gaze, to Arion. 

"Good, good, but stop biting your words" Arion said "Legato, Legato, Legato!"

Percy nodded to show that he understood his words and tried to soften his voice, gliding smoothly from phrase to phrase. She was doing more than merely singing now; he was songcasting. 

Atlan's songspell, if sung correctly, told Atlanteans the origins of Atlantis and the Seven Kingdoms. Like all principe and principessa's before him including his two brothers, Percy had to cast the original songspell, then compose several movements of her own that illustrate the progression of Atlantis after Atlan's rule. He had to sing of his place in that progression, and his betrothed, and he had to use color, light, and movement to do it. The greater his mastery of magic, the more dazzling his songspell would be. 

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