Chapter 10: Questions leads to more Questions

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3rd Person P.O.V.

"Son of Atlan and Gaea....."

The Iele's chant rang in Percy's mind over and over, he had nearly forgotten about the witches chant. His arrival on the mysterious island led to several warrior women to attack him, he fought them off with relative ease, but half way through the fight everything from who knows how long before came crashing down upon him, the memories of his mother's dead body, his father lying dead on the seafloor. 

In his grief, he couldn't control himself nor could he control his demigod powers, powers that seemed to have evolved beyond his knowledge. It was as if something that had always been there, missing but still right in front of him, was finally awakening for the first time and he unknowingly started to embrace it.

"Percy!" Garth tackled the principe in a hug followed by Tula. It took a moment to realize that his friends were in front of him. 

"Guys!" he cried out in happiness "You're here?! How? Where are we?" questions flew off of Percy's tongue in waves and Tula had to calm him enough to speak.

"Lord Arion's portal took us to Themyscira. Garth and I were trying to talk to Hippolyta, Queen of the Amazons when your.....tantrum happened" she said giving Percy a sour look that told all that she was peeved. 

Percy could only look apologetic and sheepish, "Sorry" he said. 

"Sorry? That's all you can say is sorry?" Kaldur asked incredulously, the ice pellets that had rained down on him had all but melted into water, his healing factor beginning to kick in "Look around you, because of your tantrum you nearly sunk an island. People are hurt because of your actions!"

"Kaldur....." Garth said in a warning tone but the Atlantean brushed it aside. 

"Why do you defend him Garth? You of all people should know the dangers of weather magic" Aqualad said hoping his friend could see reason "Most if not all of us are severely injured because of his lack of control"

"I know every much the dangers of Weather Magic thank you very much" Garth said crisply making Kaldur cringe in slight guilt, "But either way, that is no way to talk to Royalty much less the Prince of Atlantis"


"Arthur Curry whom you know as Aquaman is my twin brother. My mother is Queen Atlanna and my father is Poseidon, God of the Seas" Percy said staring Kaldur down, a trait he learned from his mother when he knew she was displeased on something that the commoners did that they shouldn't have done. 

Kaldur however stood his ground, "Didn't you say that Atlantis has fallen? If that is true, I do not see any prince" 

"Kaldur how can you say that?!" Tula exclaimed admonished. 

Percy stared at Aqualad in cold and very crossed anger, "My brother spoke highly of you Aqualad, he spoke of your accomplishments in pride however looking at you now, I see he was mostly likely speaking of someone else" Kaldur baled his fists in anger but didn't make a move to retaliate and allowed his prince to continue "You abandoned your people in favor of life on land, you leave your friends and family behind so you can play hero?" Percy shook his head in disappointment "I do not see a hero not do I see the person that made my brother proud, no what I see is a spoiled and arrogant child who is blind by his own recklessness to see that not everything is about you!"

It was silent at Percy's mini-rant, Kaldur looked as if someone had slapped him. Any anger that he had was drained away and replaced with a small bit of guilt knowing that Percy was somewhat right. Since he left Atlantis and chose to live life on the surface as a hero, he had become reckless, but did he really need to say it to his friends? In front of the Justice League? In front of Tula and Garth?

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