Chapter 20: Answers: Part 1

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3rd Person P.O.V.

Wanda's laughter rang above the witches chanting. 

"Cut off its head?" That's a good one Baba Vraja. I mean, did you see that thing? It's really strong and really mad. If it wanted to, it would have cut off our heads. So really, why did you summon us here?" she asked. 

Vraja was not laughing.

"Wait, your can't be serious?"

"I've never been more serious. You must go to the Southern Sea, where he lies imprisoned. Another seeks it for dark purposes. This other has awoken it. You must find the monster and kill it before this other can free it. If not, the multiverse and all in it will fall to Chthon"

Percy was speechless. They all were. The six sorcerers looked at each other wide eyed, even Amora was staring at them in disbelief. She didn't even know this part at all. Then they all started talking at once. 

"Go to the Southern Sea?" Zatanna said.

"We'll freeze to death unless you're Percy and Garth who are immune" Strange said.

"Kill Chthon?" Garth said. 

"How would we even find him? The Southern Sea is huge!" Adam said.

"This is totally insane, I'm outta here" Wanda said. As Percy watched Wanda swim towards the doors, lines from his nightmare started coming back to him. 

"Gather now from seas and rivers,
Become one mind, one heart, one bond
Before the multiverse and call creatures in them,
Are laid to waste by Chthon!"

And suddenly, he knew what he had to do. Just as he had moments ago, when the monster had attacked them. He had to keep the group together, no matter what. One mind, one heart, one bond. He couldn't let anyone leave. 

"Wanda, wait" he said.

Wanda snorted, "Later" she said.

"You're afraid" Percy said, sensing that the only way to stop her was to challenge her. 

He was right, Wanda stopped dead, then turned around, eyes blazing. 

"What did you say?"

"I said you're afraid. You're afraid of the story. That's why you want to leave"

"Afraid of what story? What are you talking about? You're as crazy as she is" Wanda said nodding at Vraja.

Percy turned to the river witch, "Baba Vraja, before you opened the door to this room, you said that what's inside it had a story" he said "And that it would tell us who we are. We need to hear that story. Now"


Three eye balls, set in three amber rings, twisted around in their settings and stared at Percy.

Percy stared back uneasily.

"You like them?" Vraja asked, as she handed him a cup of tea and saucer. 

"They're very, um, unusual" Percy replied.

Vraja had led the group to her Arion's study, said man Doctor Fate came also. She'd invited them all to sit down, and a sent a servant for a pot of tea. 

"They're terragogg eyes" she said now. 

"Did they drown or something?" Adam asked. 

"Or something" Arion said. He smiled and Percy noticed for the first time in a long time that, that his teeth were very sharp. "One dumped oil into a river. Another killed an otter. The third bulldozed trees where osprey nested. They live still-or rather, exist-as cadarvu. We use them as sentries"

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