Chapter 11: Otherworldly

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3rd Person P.O.V.

"Wow, " Percy remarked staring at the lush jungle in which Doctor Fate's portal had brought them to though Fate was nowhere in sight, "This is incredible....where are we?" The land they arrived in was an island that was filled with powerful and ancient magic, Percy could feel it through the trees and rocks, hear it through the songs of the birds. 

The ecosystem here was too beautiful and perfect to be true.....yet his eyes say otherwise. 

"The Otherworld" Amora explained "has many names, Avalon is one of then. Otherworld's origins are shrouded in mystery. It is said that Gaea created it as her own dimensional realm and was in many ways a reflection of the Earth during the golden age of the goddess when the forests were tended by her druids, the skies were aflutter with her faeries and the earth was green and full of magic, but this is all a speculation. Such information lays buried with Gaea herself"

"And something tells me she won't tell" Percy muttered, his experiences with the Earth Mother was a nasty one, for someone who calls herself a Mother, she has a dark way to showcase her love. 

Amora smiled, her eyes twinkled as if she knew something he didn't and the son of Poseidon suspected that she did. The Asgardian sorceress led them throughout the forest until they came to a large rock embedded a mountain.

"Why'd we stop?" Zatanna asked in confusion. 

"avrgraH" the Enchantress spoke, her voice echoed with power and charm. 

"Asgardian for open" Zatanna translated before blinking "How did I know that?" she asked more to herself than the others. The rocky wall vanished revealing a cave entrance, torches lit up their path. Amora merely winked at the teen and led them inside.

It was quiet among them, no one was saying a word. Garth, Tula, and Percy looked lost, Zatanna confused, and Adam was bored. 

"Where are you taking us?" Garth asked, not being able to contain the silent suspense that was growing with every passing moment. 

"Patience Garth" Amora said in a calming manner, she didn't bother using charmspeak. Her voice was soothing as it was, "But if you must know I am taking you to what can be easily described as....neutral territory"

Percy frowned. He already didn't like the sound of that since when he is usually in neutral grounds people still end up trying to kill him.

"Why?" he asked, he didn't mean to be rude or anything but he barely knew Amora much less Doctor Fate. And yes his mother told him to find them and find them he did, but one can never be too careful. For he knows, they could be imposters working for some higher being like that women Morgana. 

"For starters to complete your training in the mystic arts" Amora said "You, Garth, and Tula have completed your studies in modern sea magic at the Conservatory of Sorcery in Poseidonis correct" the three Atlanteans nodded, "However unlike many of your fellow classmates at the time, you three have the potential to expand on this, to be able to use your abilities above the surface as well, you Perseus have only breached your power. What you did on Themyscira is only a fraction of what you can do"

"Does that have anything to do with my hushed, hushed destiny?" Percy inquired and Amora nodded in confirmation making him deflate slightly, so much for getting information on that. 

"And what about Adam and I? Why did you and Fate need us? I was in the middle of a show when you kidnapped me" Zatanna said. 

"Technically we were willing participants who merely shook up your show" Amora reminded her and something told the Atlanteans present that this was a sore subject for the girl. 

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