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"Still no name?" Sonya asked as we sat down next to Harriet and a few others

"Not yet," I sighed

"Took me three days." Sonya told me.

"Three days!" I asked shocked. "Holy shit," I say. "This is no joke,"

"Yeah, but it's deferent for everyone, I got mine within an hour of being here," Harriet said.

"Why are we even here?" I asked

"Well there are some crazy conspiracies that some of the girls have come up with," said Sonya shuffling in her spot and looking at me with mischief.

"Oh yeah!" I said chuckling getting ready for the crazy theories she was gonna tell me.

"Oh yeah." She said "my personal favorite is all the men died off and so they are putting the rest of the girls in here and keeping them under wraps so nothing happens to them." She said smirking at me

"That's ridiculous," Harriet said. "If they did that to keep us from dying then they are idiots for putting monsters in the maze,"

"Maybe," I said adding to the discussion "they put those to keep other people out but they backfired and just attacked anyone they saw?"

Sonya nodded at me smiling.

I blushed. Fuck. She saw it.

"Exactly!" She said. "And they are sending us in one at a time to make sure that we won't kill the rest of the girls with a virus or whatever killed the boys!" She said

"Or!" I said "this is a prison and they put us in here because we were killing all the boys off and they wiped our memories so that we might not be psychopaths."

"Hmmm I like that one." Harriet said.

Man I feel like of course none of these would be the actual answer to this situation we are in but I feel like if I think about it too much it will be too depressing.

I took a bite of the food in front of me. I luckily did not get the chance to meet the cook earlier but I could hear her yelling from the other side of the wall. Apparently her name was Kathy and you did not want to mess with her.

The food was very tasty like Sonya had said.

"I've got another one," said Sonya

"When we were babies the scientists stole us and trained us to survive but then put all their work into action to test and wiped our memories so that we wouldn't be able to remember what the way out was." She said

"So we're like lab rats?" I asked

Harriet swallowed and clenched her jaw a little bit. "Whatever it was I know that it was wrong and stupid and I want to give who ever put is here a good punch to the face,"

I nodded and completely agreed but I felt like shit. What if we really were some giant experiment? What was the test. I assumed it was getting out of the maze. Maybe it was just surviving in here.

I ate some more and finished my plate.

Sonya took my plate and Harriets and took it to the trash can saying hello to a few people on the way.

"Why do you keep blushing?" Harriet asked

"Huh?" I choked. Shit! Did she see it too?

"You keep blushing," she said laughing

"Do not!" I said. She raised her eyebrows at me and suppressed a smile

"Sure sure whatever you say," she said laughing and standing up when Sonya got there.

"Come on, we have a campfire tonight for you!" She said and grabbed my arm pulling me up.

A campfire?!" I said. I remember campfires. I liked the smell of the wood burning.

"Yup!" She Sonya said and her hand slid down clutching my wrist now.


Dammit y/n! You barely even know her!

Wait what?


"Y/n." I muttered

"Huh?" Sonya said.

"My name! That's my name! Y/n!!" I yelled

"Y/n! You remembered!" Sonya said and Harriet ruffled my hair.

"Good job y/n. Now we don't have to call you newbie," she said.

"I didn't mind that nickname." I said sighing not ready to let go of it quite yet.

"Then we'll keep calling you newbie cuz I think I already marked it as your name," said Harriet. Sonya chuckled.

"I like y/n though," Sonya told me.

"Me too!" You said excited.

Everything's coming into place finally.

Sonya x reader Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt