22| "I've got you"

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Twenty four hours earlier I was in the arms of the man I'd just confessed my love to. I was happy and couldn't imagine life getting any better. I hadn't even known I loved him until I blurted it out and realised how true it was.

Right now I stood outside a state prison.

My hands were shaking as I was led into an isolated room. I kept my head down, not meeting the eyes of anybody. I hadn't told anyone where I was. Nicolas would know eventually, and he'd flip out, but I needed to do this right now. I sat down on a plastic chair, biting my nail, looking here and there. I'd never been here. It was always too overwhelming to even think of coming here. The aura itself was bad, negative. 

When the door to the room opened, I stood up hastily, the chair toppling down in the process. But it didn't matter. My eyes took in the amber green eyes, perfectly cropped brown hair now unruly, a light stubble on the usually clean shaven jaw. His eyes showed sheer surprise. "Nora?"

"K-Kyle." I sobbed. "I'm so sorry."

He shut his eyes close, biting down on his bottom lip. He walked over to the chair in front of me and sat down, motioning for me to sit down as well. I looked down as I did, my eyes watering. "This is my fault. Everything is my fault-"

"You're here." Was all he said. "You came to see me after five years."

I looked up at him. He looked lost, adrift. His expression made me clutch the seat tightly. "I-I don't-"

"Don't cry. You know I don't like it." He said and kept his hands on the table. They were bound together by a handcuff, and a wrecked sob erupted from my chest upon seeing his condition. "Nora," He said softly. "Please don't."

I lifted my hands up to hold his. They were rough and calloused, nothing like the soft ones I remembered. "I'm sorry. Please. I don't know what to do. I haven't-"

"It's not your fault." He whispered. "You have to stop beating yourself up-"

"But it is!" I cried out. "I knew about it and I still-"

"They forced you." He murmured urgently. "Listen to me, none of this is your fault, okay? You didn't have a choice. All this time, everyday, I'd wished you'd come so that I could tell you I didn't blame you. I knew the risks."

"It was my duty to protect you-"

"I wasn't a child, Nora. I didn't need to be looked after."

I looked at his face with teary eyes. He was just two years younger than me, but he'd always been mature for his age. His face still held the familiar look of fascination when it rested upon me, and that made the tears run down. I was his role model, his idol. He looked up to me, and I'd let him down.

"Hey, I come out in a month. That's good news, yeah?" He smiled.

"Kyle, I-" My throat closed up. "I can't tell you how sorry I am-"

"Dude, come on. You flew all the way over here to parrot to me?" He asked. "Tell me how's life?"

I took a deep breath, closing my eyes. I blinked back the tears and gave him a small smile. "It's good. Better than ever, actually."

He raised an eyebrow. "Mm, that's good. How's work?"

I bit down on my bottom lip hard enough to draw blood. "Okay."

Kyle squinted his eyes. "Why do you sound constipated while saying that?"

Despite the situation, I still gave a small laugh. "It's a bit difficult right now-"

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