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When I woke up I was still led in the field, my hair had entangled itself around by arm and the morning breeze rolling over me felt amazing, it was mid-summer after all and the cool breeze on the chest and legs was soothing and calming. I led there for at least five minutes before my mind snapped back to the night before, Adam, Could it really be him? What would everyone think about me now, how would they treat me after I upped and ran the night before? I worked my way slowly back onto my feet before turning to look at the town, it was quite far from here, I didn’t realise how far I had ran. Wondering about what they would think of me I found myself debating whether I should go back or not.

What would everyone think about me was my only thought, it’s a small town and word travels fast. My job, what would my boss think and how would everyone treat me, I could feel it flaring inside me, I had to calm down...

“RAINA! RAINA!” out of nowhere I could hear my name, bringing me back to reality I realised while I was looking at the town a second ago, it’s like I’ve subconsciously moved towards the town and Taylor is now running towards me crying. Before I knew she got hold of me and we’ve both fallen to the floor crying, behind her is Jedd and Shane both running towards me too.

“We’ve been looking for you all night we were so worried you have no idea, please don’t do that again we need you!” Taylor says sobbing into my ear. I let out a sigh as I think about it all, what was I thinking? I have people who care now, why would I run away again? Shane and Jedd help us both up, pulling me up onto my feet and holding me there.

“let's get you home” Shane says to me gently. Everyone helps me back to my apartment and I fumble for my keys dropping them on the floor, Taylor picks them up and I walk myself to lay on the couch

“Taylors going to stay here with you, me and Jedd are going to go and explain this to work. Get some rest Raina” I feel like I’m about to burst into tears when Jedd adds “we’re not mad at you, we were all just really worried” I turn to look at the others in an attempt of an approval but Shane just looks at the floor and Taylor turns to face the wall. Realisation sinks in hitting my gut like a baseball bat, I overreacted again. How could I do this? I roll over to face the back of the sofa while silent tears roll down my face.

“Why did you do that Raina?” a small voice behind me whimpers. I know it’s Taylor and she wants answers this time. I turn to face her and I see the pain on her face, pain shoot through my heart and I grimace. I have to tell her the truth...

“Because I was scared that they were...” my voice trails off and my throat goes dry, what was I thinking? I couldn’t tell her something like that, she’d hate me, word would travel through town and-

“It doesn’t matter how bad your reason is Raina, I am your friend, you mean so much to me, you have no idea, nothing in this world could change that...” she cuts my thoughts off like a knife and I turn to look her in the eyes “Not even an element user” she says, almost too certain of herself. Tears start to fall down my face again this time unstoppable, Taylor moved to sit on the sofa with me pulling me in for a hug. “Tell me when you're ready but I want you to know, I will love you no matter what it is” we must have stayed there for hours while I cried and soon after we both fell asleep watching a movie.

When I woke up the next morning, I was still on the sofa except this time covered in a blanket, the smell of bacon and eggs was wafting in from the kitchen and I couldn’t help but drag myself towards the smell. stumbling into my kitchen I saw Taylor in one of my t-shirts and a pair of my PJ shorts at the oven and my heart skipped a beat, her long black hair fell perfectly over her shoulders and around her waist, making her look like an angel. She spun round looking at me for a second before smiling and placing some breakfast on the table.

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