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When the next sunrise came, I was the first one awake. Not that I had slept much. I looked around the hotel room, everyone was still sleeping soundly, or at least that’s what I thought after a double take, I realised Taylor wasn’t among us any more. I panicked. Rushing around the hotel room trying to gather what I could to go look for her when I spotted her by the window behind the curtains looking out onto the sunrise.

“Tay?” I quietly asked. I got no response, only expected from what happened the night before, I should’ve never bought her into any of it “I’m sorry, I’m going out, I’ll be back soon.” Quite quickly I picked up my phone and left the hotel, I knew what I needed, if what Shane said was right, I would need something with a hoodie, maybe some jeans? Something that would let me blend in. As I started to make my way to the closest town I felt as if I was being followed, I pulled out my phone and messaged Shane and Taylor, ‘I’ve started to head to Mayville, I need a hoodie.’ At least if something was to happen, they would know where to go. It took about an hour but just as my bad feeling grew too big to contain, I saw the next town about 10 minutes in front of me.

I wasn’t waiting around for something to happen I threw the ragged cloak over my head I had grabbed from the hotel lobby and ran as fast as I could towards the town gates. I jolted into the town centre breathing heavily; I was getting a couple of weird looks but I didn’t care, if something happened to me here everyone would see it. I caught my breath and stood up properly to look around. Almost instantly my breath was blown away again. Looking around I could see so much, but this was no normal town, jugglers on the street using water magic, children looking on in awe. For a moment I thought I was dreaming, until an onlooker noticed me

“Raina!” Her shout echoed through me and almost on instinct I started to run for the nearest back alley “No wait! Please!” That voice I knew that voice....

“Tay?” I turned around to see an unknown woman running after me tears in her eyes, and my disappointment must have shown through

“No I’m not Tay, you really don’t remember me?” I shook my head confused more than ever. “Well then” she stated her voice trailing off “They really did a number on you” the smile on her face was one of nostalgia and I couldn’t help but feel bad “Do you at least remember Adam?”

Every single hair on my body stood up on ends as she said his name. I backed away from her slowly fumbling over my feet, I could see people staring at us and the smile on her face grew frighteningly. I knew I had to get away but how? Almost out of nowhere she lunged at me, grabbing my arm tight and dragging me through the town, I struggled but it was no good, think Raina think! I looked around once more before it struck me, my element, I could use it here I was safe here, I screamed as I let it loose, my body bursting into flames, I could feel my clothes melting and I could hear others screaming I felt her let go of my arm and I made a run for it, running straight into the arms of someone else... Taylor? Relief washed over me as I realised who was hugging me until I realised, I was still alight … I’d burn her, I started struggling trying to retract everything

“just breath Raina, don’t worry, you can’t hurt me” Her voice was soft and I could tell she meant it, I stopped struggling and tears started down my face, I tried to say sorry, but nothing came out. “you’ve got no reason to be sorry dummy” she giggled which in turn made me laugh, I could feel my flames dulling and my body relaxing

“your so silly” she let out with tears in her eyes “you know you can’t control it properly yet, you could’ve killed yourself!” Taylor pulled me in closer to her chest as I cried

“Big sister Raina!!” I heard behind me as I turned, I saw little Anya running towards me I held out my arms as she jumped straight into them, behind her was Shane and jeff, both looking panicked

“Raina! Oh god, please tell me your alright!” I smiled back at Jedff nodding my head

“ I’m sorry I panicked someone grabbed me, I couldn’t control it, plus everyone else was using their elements so I thought it was safe to use mine!” A silence fell among all of us before Shane broke it

“Raina, You never made It to the town, It still a good hour away, who’s everyone else?” My eyes shot open wide as I looked around at the empty field, All the people all the buildings everything was gone, and if I was in the town my fire would’ve burned most of it with the scorch mark I had left. “common, we need to get you that hood, Anya let go of her now please, she is alright”

It was a long walk of silence as we all headed off to Mayville. I know she grabbed me... but who was she?

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