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A shiver runs down my spine as we reach the gates of Mayville, I turn to check no one is following as I feel a hand grab mine

“It’s alright Raina, We’ll get you sorted just please stay close” I could see the concern in Taylors eyes as she spoke to me, her voice gentle and soft as if she was still trying to calm me, I squeezed her hand giving her the best smile I could manage. I knew he was out there. Adam.

“first thing we should probably do is get your hair cut, then a hoodie of some sort and maybe some new jeans...” Shane trailed off as he scanned me up and down, my clothes were barely hanging on by shreds, I hung my head, I knew I had gone overboard but I panicked, I can’t control myself like them. “or maybe just some new clothes will do” Shane had leant me his jacket to cover me as much as they could I could hear him laughing about it.

A smile grew on my face as we walked into the town, I couldn’t control it, I could hear Shane and Jeff talking as if they knew just how to make me over, and Taylor giggling at their suggestions, little Anya skipping along beside us all giggling at all of us, although I was sure she didn’t understand any of it.

It didn’t hit me until we reached the hotel, how did Taylor defuse my flames, how was she not hurt? I scanned her up and down several times, no burns or even singed clothes, nothing, as if she never even got close to me in the first place. Panic overwhelmed my brain as I tried to rethink the events of what happened just a few hours before but everything was foggy, as if my memories had been altered, as if it never happened. I remember Taylor hugging me, telling me I couldn’t hurt her. Telling me it was alright. But how could she get so close, as I thought harder I remembered her warmth, her skin on mine, the way her hands wrapped around my waist holding me up as I cried and struggled to get away. As I recounted the event I remembered more, Taylor then Anya…. She called me big sister. Surely there couldn’t be more to that, I was an only child. I was sure of it. My brain fumbled through my thoughts trying to make sense of what was happening, was I just overthinking it all, I could feel the smile fading from my face, all the laughing and joking from the others grew more distant and before I knew it I could no longer feel Taylors hand in mine, I looked up and all I could see was an empty field, woods stretchedin the distance but there was no one as far as my eyes could see, I was completely alone.

“Raina! Raina wake up please wake up” Taylor … I could hear her voice, but where was she. I call out to her but no response. Wake up? I am awake … aren’t I? I close my eyes and concentrate hard, deep slow breaths clearing my mind of all the madness that had happened and before I knew it I could feel them. Taylor had me laying on her lap, everyone else and made a circle around me, I look around in shock

“Did I fall asleep?” The words are almost a slur coming out of my mouth

“you just fell” I look up at Jeff to see the wrinkles on his forehead, I hadn’t noticed them before “lets get you inside, we can focus on everything else tomorrow.” Shane and Jeff took and arm each and led me upstairs into the hotel room we had booked, little Anya followed along behind us, with Taylor shortly after her. I could feel my face burning up, embarrassment taking over me. Why did I loose my cool so easily? Was it because I knew he was close, or at least closer than we had thought, or maybe because I couldn’t remember the girl? We open the hotel door and all bundle onto the beds, I can hear the others chatting and eventually they all turn to me.

“So here's our plan” Taylor says, nose in the air so proud, as if it was all her idea. “Shane and Anya are going to go and get clothes for you, I’m going to cut your hair, and Jedd is going out to find some hair dye, time for a complete makeover!” I can see her energy bubbling up, I can’t ask any questions now, not when Taylors just hyped them all up, I let a lose smile creep onto my lips.

“okay then” I giggle “But please be gentle, I haven’t cut my hair in years, this lions mane won’t budge easily” They all laugh at that before they set off in their own directions to find the things Taylor had assigned for them, while she ran round gathering scissors and combs from her bag, as if she knew she would get the chance to do this. She sits behind me on the floor and slowly bundles my long hair into a ponytail, being careful not to tug too hard. I can feel her soft legs wrap around my waist. We were finally alone

“I want you to concentrate while I do this” She says softly, her voice concerned. “I know you have it in you to control your power, I’ve seen you do it, so just practice for now, just while its only you and me” I breath in deep and sharp as she tugs my hair in the wrong way, and I hear her giggle, I know she means well, so I do, I clasp my hands tightly together and concentrate hard, I can feel the warmth of my fire in the palm of my hands and slowly seal it into a ball, I do this over and over again until Taylor finally yells done. I didn’t even realise she had done anything except I now couldn’t feel my hair on my back. It felt lighter, thinner. Almost like it wasn’t there anymore. I get up and run to the mirror, taking in the new me. My hair fell just short of my shoulder on one side, while the other had been shaved, it curled over the top of my head and covered one side of my face the back was short as it hugged my neck.

“I love it Taylor, I really do” I spin round to hug her, I can see the pride on her face, It wasn’t long after that everyone else got back with clothes and dye, Jeff had picked up A strange colour dye, He had told me that he knew it would suit me and couldn’t wait to apply it and Shane and Anya had come back with some pretty awesome clothes too, most tops hoodies and jeans they knew I would like. After another hour or so I was stood in front of the mirror looking like an entirely new person had just taken over, I felt confident as my hair waved in front of my face now a midnight blue, my golden eyes really standing out, I never realised just how bright they were before. And a black pullover top with a cute hood matched with some fancy looking leather shorts, fishnets and some bad ass heeled boots.  I spin round to look at my friends who are all stood in a row in our hotel room, Jedd looked as if he was going to cry.

“It’s honestly crazy how much you’ve grown Raina, it really is” I laughed and did a little spin for the world to see. In that moment everything was alright. Little did I know how fast that would change.

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