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New day, new dawn, we had set out early the day before, and soon after had reached the next town, DIllus, Taylor had bought us all Food, and my god was it delicious, I felt like my stomach had been eating itself all day so this food was just amazing! I look round to the others who looked like they were obviously in the same state of mind. All of them scoffing their faces but looking so content with themselves. We’d only been walking for a few hours, but it felt like days and we’d found a lovely little park on the outskirts to sit in, before we decided our next move. As we all dug into our food a cold chill swept over me and jolted upright. Looking round it apparently swept the others too as they all stood on edge jolted upright staring over the hill as if they’d seen something.

“Maybe it’s best if we move to a busier area” Jedd stated slowly raising, his eyes still glued to the edge of the hill

“Did you see someone” The words left my mouth before I could think and everyone turned to stare at me, I knew what I had just done. Shane sighed and tugged the other two towards the town me following shortly in pursuit. When we Got to the bustling town centre the four of us found a park bench and crammed ourselves onto it to finish our meal, me being the only one left standing sat on the curb in front of them. Looking around the street so much was happening, it must have been market day because people everywhere were shouting to promote their product in little corner shops people pushed past each other and the street was lined with high end stores fashion and shoes, not my particular kinda thing but some of the stuff they showed on dolls was half decent.

“After this we should head towards the city's edge, Mayville is next on our little list of towns and from what I can tell hasn’t been hit yet, which in a way, is good for us, might be able to stop this phyco boyfriend of yours before it gets too out of hand.”

“He isn’t my boyfriend Shane” I snapped before my sight caught a glimpse of Taylor. Her cheeks were a rosy red and she was looking down as if she was humilliated “Hey Tay. Whats up”

“W-w-w-what! No no it’s nothing, I just didn’t realise that you were taken and I-I-I" it was almost as if she had burst into life before her flame just suddenly dulled again “It’s nothing Raina, Don’t worry about it”

After about half an hour of the boys terrorising Taylor for her somewhat outburst and me looking round shops we started to head to our hotel for the night, A small in on the outskirts of town when we got there we all breathed a sigh of relief we had been trying to find it for at least three hours before we got to it, we all made our way in and signed off at the booking desk, we were told we were in room 36 and we all turned to make our way upstairs, we had only got half way before Jedd spun on his heals

“Who are you?” He yelled to what appeared to be nothing before a young girl emerged from the in-cove in the stairs she hung her head low and appeared to start crying “We aren't going to hurt you, but I know you’ve been following us for a while now who are you.” Jedd seemed all too serious and it was actually starting to scare me until the girl said “I just want to see Dalton” All four of us froze, she was using real names, names none of us had spoken about in the open for years of our lives. Before I knew it Shane had run past me and pulled the hood off the younger girls head, she was about 7 and had long flowing dark Auburn hair, in this light it could even be mistaken as black. Shane scooped the young girl up in his arms and turned to us

“I’ll explain once we are back in our room, lets go before someone sees us.”

At that comment it seemed the four of us knew we had to run, we almost raced each other back to our room panting as we unlocked and burst through the door. Me and Taylor took one double bed and Jedd and Shane sat the young girl down on the other one

“Anya, what are you doing here?” Shane seemed serious, As if this girl was something special to him.

“I wanted to see you, and uncle Acer” The girl grinned and Jeff laughed, Shane looked as if he was fighting a battle in his head, I’d never seen him so worked up before

“Shane who is this?” I asked not being able to hold back any more of my questions

“Do you remember when we first met I told you that you reminded me a lot of my little sister, well... meet my younger sister, Anya” He turned to look at his sister before taking a deep breath “Why aren’t you with mama and papa? What happened” The young girl hung her head and took a deep breath

“Because I can do what you do now brother, I couldn’t show mama and papa as they would send me away but look!” She held out her hand and with a deep breath sprouted a small tornado in the palm of her hand, we all looked in shock and this small gust of wind twirled and danced in her hand with such control. 

“You showed no-one else this did you Anya” I could hear the panic in Shane's voice as he asked this

“No big brother I showed nobody I promise you” Shane let out a big sigh of relief before looking to us

“Alright then you can stay with us but from now on you have to call me Shane alright” Anya nodded in reply before he continued “Well then, Uncle acers name is Jedd" At that she sprung back to life looking at Jedd, his face brightening and a smile spreading across his face before she bound into his arms

“You look different acer” she giggled without hesitating continued with “You're getting old” Shane laughed before saying “and this is Taylor and Raina” both me and Taylor waved at her and she came over to give us both a hug too. Me being furthest I was last to be hugged and when she pulled back, she studied me with eager eyes.

“Raina...Raina I remember you!” She exclaimed he voice proud and loud, and everyone flinched

“How … how do you know me?” She must have heard the horror in my voice and she pulled me in for another hug and stated “everyone on the news said you were dangerous but I know you’re not! Not if big brother is with you!” I turned to look at the others to see faces of shock and horror except Shane who sat there with his head to the floor.

“Shane what’s going on”

“My Dad is a news reporter and he’s not the nice kind either... He covered the story when you escaped the EP, That’s how she knows you, and seeing as you never left the city, I think we might encounter that a little more than we expected, for all of us.”

“But Taylor isn’t one of us she should be alright” I know I shouldn’t have said it but the moment I did everyone stopped, I look to Taylor for reinforcements but nothing was given back instead she just got up and walked out the room.

“we will deal with this tomorrow Raina, for now it’s been a long day, I think it’s time we all got some rest”

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