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I can't feel my legs. My vision is blurred but right now I have to get out of here, I've said what I needed to said I have to find Shane and Jedd, I have to. I feel tears running down my cheeks as I pick Anya up off the ground, her auburn hair looked almost dirty in this light, I look at Taylor and feel more tears fill my eyes. An immune. Out of everyone she was the one person who I thought hadn't lied to me, I look down at Anya in my arms and curl into her, sobbing. I feel her hand slowly reach up and grab my shirt, or what was left of it anyway.

"GET OFF ME!" The words fly out of my mouth and I dig my head further into Anya "please wake up little sister please" my legs give out and I fall to my knees. I can't feel anything. Everything gone silent and I've gone numb. I lift my head at Anya. Can I even still believe she's my sister. Did Shane lie to me too? I don't know what to do and I start to go dizzy I don't even want to look up. I don't care who it is anymore. "please help me" the words escape me before I can stop them and more tears fall down my face. I can hear people moving around me but my vision is too blurred to see who it is, one of them takes Anya while the other helps me up before going back for I assume Taylor. Taylor... I can't.... I can't do this. My feet start moving as I begin to run away I just want to go. Somewhere where no one will find me somewhere where no one will lie to me.

It feels as if hours have gone by. At first I could hear people calling for me. Now I just hear silence. I stop to look back but all I see Is the forest. No one. Just me alone. I laugh to myself as my eyes well with tears again.

It seems I've gone back to where I started. Alone

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