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It had been about an hour since Shane and Jedd had left, but us girls weren’t too worried, we had some hair dye left over from my hair so we were putting midnight blue streaks into little Anya’s hair seeing as she had begged us so much. Her hair was quite long for her age, but we were all having fun and currently she was dancing in the mirror waiting for it to dry, we were all giggling and playing and laughing, tickle fests and pillow fights little did we know how quick that would change. Shane and Jedd almost barged back into the hotel room, panicked and unsettled, Almost at once we knew something was wrong, They were pale and out of breath as if they had been chased by something, we all shot up off the bed

“what’s happened? Whats wrong?” I paused for a moment for them to catch their breath and respond

“We need to talk Raina” Shane said under his breath, I could tell he was serious, I looked around and everyone had the same expression, fear mixed with betrayal. “Your going to want to sit down for this one” I slowly backed myself on to the bed, sitting on the edge and straightening out my clothes, fidgeting with the toggles on my new top. The atmosphere had changed, everyone was on edge, I could tell, Taylor had turned her back and was staring out the window, Little Anya had gone over to hold Shane's hand and Jedd had his hand on Shane’s back almost supporting him in what he was trying to tell me. Was I the only one who didn’t know what was coming?

“What do you remember about before the EP?” His words were sharp and my eyes widened, what did I remember? A vague memory, outlines of people, my parents? … No I couldn’t remember my parents.  The more I thought about it the less I remembered, My earliest memory was that of the EP … waking up strapped to a table, wondering who I was and where I was from. I had never thought about it before. Shane spotted the panic on my face as he walked over and held me close. “When one sibling is born with the power of an element, it is likely the other siblings would have them too, so to make sure that they can get their hands on all siblings born with the power they are likely to erase the memories of those who they take it so they feel alone, when you feel alone, your powers spiral and you have no chance at rehabilitation. It’s their cruel method of keeping you as far away from the outside world as possible” My eyes widen and my heart skips a beat, what is it he’s trying to tell me?

“What has that got to do with me?” My voice is almost a whisper as I think back to what happened before. I look to Shane and see tears in his eyes Anya by my side fiddling with her skirt.

“Raina, when I was admitted into the EP I had a younger sister, She was completely different to me, different power, different eyes, hair, almost as if she wasn’t related to me at all. The first time I tried to escape the EP I was still quite young, I got captured and bought back on the bargain that my sister would be let free. Instead they moved her to a different facility and cut all contact between her and me. I later found out that her memories had been wiped as a precautionary measure and that she had escaped herself. Not long after that I learned that Anya had been born.” Shane was serious, I could tell what he was trying to tell me, but it couldn’t be true, I would remember my own family surely? Wouldn’t I? I look down to Anya and back up to Shane. Similarities started to show, Shane had rugged hair, light brown, but almost a ginger, his eyes where a hazel brown but his freckles gave him away, Anya had long wavy auburn hair, but her eyes were just like mine, Golden. They way the light caught them threw me off guard and I started to panic, I had family all around me this entire time and I didn’t know it. How could I be so naive? Shane pulled me in for a hug, apologising, and Anya wrapped her arms around me too.

“Does this mean we have big sister back now?” Her voice was quiet and I could tell she was nervous. I pulled my best smile as a tear rolled down my cheek and nodded as she threw herself on me and started to cry herself.

I could feel something inside me changing. My head started to hurt and my body almost froze. Then from no where it was almost as if I could feel something melting. I wasn’t alone any more. That in itself was enough for me. I look over at Jedd and smile and he returns one back.

“Lets all get some sleep for now. Its been a long busy day, and we got a lot of travelling to do yet before we reach our destination” We all look round at each other confused.

“our destination?” we knew we had somewhere to go but where? The confusion in my voice shined through and Taylor laughed followed by everyone else.

“Yeah silly!” She said through giggles “We have that mad ex boyfriend of yours to deal with” her fits of laughter sent all of us into the same spiral although our minds where elsewhere. Crazy ex hu? Yeah I guess that is what he is, although I think just maybe I might be moving on from that. I look up at Taylor, her long black hair glistening in the setting sunlight shining through the gaps in the curtains, and her smile pure and gleeful. My heart skips a beat as our eyes meet and I can feel my cheeks heating, hers doing the same and we both burst into fits of giggles again. This is what its like to be loved? I can get used to this.

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