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The sun had just peaked on its setting, and the four of us were sat in the field outside of town. A fitting end to an eventful day. We had ordered pizza after we spoke about Shane and Jedd, turns out they changed their names; Shane's real name was Dalton, and Jeff was actually called Acer. Jedd was also Shanes uncle, which makes sense they do look a lot alike, and they were both admitted to the ep, both escaping at the same time. Jedd told me all about his daring adventure to rescue his nephew when they escaped 5 years ago. They practice with their elements on more or less a daily basis which is why I can’t really control mine very well seeing as I’ve been hiding it for the past three years. They didn’t ask about me, so I didn’t tell but now we’re all relaxed I wouldn’t mind answering anything. I look next to me and Taylor has her hair straight hair down, it’s blowing in the wind slightly and she looks beautiful. I smile at her and she turns to look at me, I feel like I could tell her anything and it would be okay, I open my mouth to tell her something, but nothing falls out. Weird right? So I just put my head back down on the grass and relax.

“You know that boy don’t you” Shane stated his voice sure. I knew this was coming but somehow the smile doesn’t fade from my face.

“I think it’s him. But honestly, I’m not too sure. That’s why I had all them tabs up Shane, if it is him, then I can’t begin to imagine what they put him through. If it’s anything like what they put me through, I can understand why he’s being reckless, I just know I won’t be able to get my best friend back if it is. That’s why I want to know.” everything went silent for a moment before Shane continued;

“Let’s go find this twat then” I shoot up and turn to look at the boys, both of them have a mischievous smile on their faces and Shane looks genuinely excited. I could feel my face light up as Taylor joined in saying

“Yeah let’s do this shit!”

I guess that how this all got decided, the four of us spent the next month gathering things and getting ready. Then after that we left on the biggest adventure of our lives, and through all of it, my personal fears and all. Turns out it was all for nothing, because after all of it, I had four amazing friends, one of which a woman I think I might love... but our story isn’t over yet... in fact it hasn’t really begun.

“I’m all sorted, no more work free life, and more or less five years savings” Jedd Bragged as we were leaving everything behind, I let out a slight sign before starting to giggle, I couldn’t help myself, this whole situation was mad. With a smile on our faces, and everyone there for each other, we were all ready for a new adventure, and an amazing one at that.

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