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None of us had run after her, it had been about an hour now and we're all sat looking at the floor. I look around me Anya was in Jed's arms still sleeping, Taylor had already awoken and gone into panic, now she sat staring at the floor her eyes are red from crying, I look round to Adam and anger boils inside of me. Our eyes meet for a brief second before he turns to look at the floor.

"how dare you" Taylor voice was low, filled with anger and despair "you've ruined everything" she leaped at Adam and wrapped her hands round his neck it happened so fast and I cambered to my feet to try to stop her but she didn't act any further.

"I'm... I'm sorry Taylor" Adams voice was faint probably from the lack of air and she throws him back to the floor. "you're sorry! For what Adam? Hurting someone who cares for you, or sending her over the edge. She never abandoned you.... EVER!" I could hear her voice break as she started to cry again "I have loved her for so long now, stayed by her side and accepted her, she found her family and a place where she was safe and could belong and you RUINED IT!" her legs gave out and I ran to catch her before she hit the floor, I look back up at Adam, his face screaming an apology "Don't bother apologising" I say before he can "if you want to help then do but if you're going to sit there and feel sorry for yourself when she is in danger then your nothing to us." I pick Taylor up in my arms as she curls into my chest and look round at Jedd "I'll search north if you want to go west" he nodds and picks Anya up before looking down at Adam. "I'll search east, I'll yell if I find her" Adam stands up and heads east and I nod before disappearing myself.

Please Raina. Please be OK.

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