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They saw me. I know they did. In fact I made sure they saw me, Mayville is a busy town so it was easy for me to blend right back in before they could confront me. I can't risk burning anything else up, not yet, for now I'll just follow them. Wait for the perfect opening to separate them then I'll attack. My only issue is, now Raina knows the truth. She won't want to be separated from her beloved family or that ... thing she has picked up along the way. Surely though she doesn't know she has an immune with her. If she did, she wouldn't let her get close, she knows the powers they hold, the threat they cause us. Although from what I could see That idiotic immune is trying to help her. Yes this could be quite the issue. I look to my side and see Lucy sleeping peacefully by the small fire we had set up. Her hair falling around her neck and face framing her perfectly, she looks so delicate. So ... peaceful. I laugh to myself, reminds me of the days when me and Raina used to do this. Sit out in the centre and pretend we were free. Trying our best not to get caught out, we knew the consequences. We made so many plans, once we had escaped we were going to build a life together, we were going to run away and never use our powers again. She promised she would be back for me, but she never came back. I helped her escape and then paid the price.

"What you thinking about?" I hear Lucy stir to the right of me and my head bolts round to look at her. I'm still on edge. She smiles at me softly and sits up to cuddle into me. "No matter I think I know" I put my arm around her waist and pull her in closer, giving her a kiss before looking back to the fire.

Fire. Such a gentle and warm glow about it, so comforting and friendly, yet so destructive ... When will you self-destruct Raina? I do wonder.

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