Don't Rush The Seasons

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As a kid, you may have been like me. You were eager to grow up so you can have the freedom to do things you weren't allowed. You maybe wanted to be like other teen girls you admired or wanted to earn your own money. Whatever it is, I know I wanted to grow up.

When I did grow up, that's when I realised that every season of life is worth cherishing. Though I did reach that season I wanted where I had more freedom, I also learned with that freedom came to a lot of responsibilities.

Our lives are made up of different seasons. Yet every season is essential. Each season has its lessons and its growth.

In 1 Samuel we are introduced to Saul, who was anointed to be the next king. His reign was not very long until God looked for someone else to replace him. Saul was someone who reached the throne but very quickly. There wasn't much process to get there.

With David, to be king, it took years. It was made of seasons of hiding, running, struggling etc but reach season equipped and prepared him for the next.

Each season of our lives equips us for the next. The lessons of today are the stepping stones and foundation needed for tomorrow.

We see this principle in school. When we are in grade 1, the things we learn are a bit challenging but help us. In grade 2 you learn new things but if you didn't go through grade 1 you'll find grade 2 difficult because grade 1 should've built a foundation.

Every lesson you learn becomes like roots. It's a foundation upon which God can build your life. The lessons you learn while you're single are the roots and foundations for when you're married. The lessons God teaches you when you're young in ministry will be the foundation you'll have when you'll grow in ministry. Everything God teaches you builds you.

If you look back, you'll realise you found grade 4 difficult when you were there but now that you're in a higher grade, you find it easy. The challenges, tests and lessons God teaches us season by season might feel difficult at the moment but as you're being equipped you'll realise how strong it made you.

When you're in a season of waiting, what it does is it strengthen your dependence, reliance and trust in God so that when you do come out of that season, you have an unshakable and steady trust in God that won't be easily taken away.

Seasons aren't there to break us but build us. They build the roots and foundations needed for seasons to come. If we skip or rush seasons those roots don't have time to grow into the soil and be strong enough to carry you in future. As result, you'll be easily blown away by the wind. You'll easily be shaken because you didn't learn dependence on God. You'll be easily shaken because your trust in God wasn't solidified. You'll be easily shaken because you're character hasn't been properly refined. You'll be easily shaken because what was supposed to grow in you didn't grow.

Rushing seasons, wanting to skip ahead, not going through the process etc will result in you not having a good foundation, roots and being well equipped. Your Foundation will have cracks because it didn't have time to dry. Your roots will be short because they didn't get time to grow deeper into the ground and you'll character won't be as refined because you jumped out of the fire too soon.

1) Build our Character
The season builds our character in different ways. Each season there is something that will convict and refine you. There is something that will help you become more like Jesus. That will grow you to be more selfless. That will teach you how to be more humble. That will increase your compassion, mercy and love.

Every season has something to teach you regarding your character and in those moments your character is being strengthened.

I had a dream once and in this dream, I was busy doing a test. I was in a room with my teacher close by. I finished the test and handed it back to my teacher. After reading through it, she was concerned and explained to me "You don't understand..." she began and explained how I skipped and made many mistakes. When she handed back my test. I checked each question slowly this time. In the beginning, everything was okay till I realised I skipped so many questions, I answered many halfway and I didn't give enough points in some. It was a hot mess.

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