To the girl addicted to porn

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This topic might make a lot of you uncomfortable but I know its something a lot of girls struggle with. If you don't know already, the internet is filled with all kinds of horrible things that cloud our minds and pervert the way we see things. These things can stay in our hearts, minds and actions.

When you watching porn, read erotic books, listening to certain songs or entertain perverted conversations. You open a gate, now this isn't a physical gate/ door that allows the enemy to build a stronghold of sexual sin in our lives. It's more spiritual and as Christians, we know that most things are spiritual. That's why we focus on things not seen. 

1 Peter 5:8

Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.

Now, I want you to pay attention to two things.  Be sober means a lot of things but the things that come to my head is not being drunk, so not being drunk means you are in your senses and know what's happening around you. Be vigilant reminds me of people in a war or battle, being aware of their enemies and quick to react when they attack.

Now your adversary is your enemy, the one you should be in your sense about and be aware of. His sly and cunning, tricky and deceiving, his like a lion who is waiting for the right timing to pounce and attack seeking who is DRUNK, NOT AWARE AND ignorant to devour.

He isn't looking for someone who sees his every move, he is looking for that one person who is asleep and slacking off so bam. He got you, sis.

The Bible describes how the enemy plants seeds into our lives (Matthew 13:25). Watching pornogaphic material and things can allow the enemy to plant seeds of lust, perversion and more into our lies and soon they begin to grow. The more we watch, the more we water these seeds and the more they grow. Before they were small and weak but now they grew roots, strong and firm and its a stronghold. That's how for some who have had this addiction, they struggle letting it go because of all those times of watering. We can water with our mind. With what we watch and read. With conversations we entertain that give the enemy access to build lust and sexual sin into our lives.

Sexual sin is one of those gates we keep opening especially in our world today. We are so asleep with it, listen to anything, Watch anything and engage in anything/ when we should be in our senses saying " Wait a minute but these lyrics give me this kind of thoughts, which will make me crave relationships, and since I'm single, I don't have one so I'll rely on something else to fill that avoid and there we are, on the internet at who knows what time watching something we regret right away"

This is what that verse you see and don't understand means. It no just calling you to see but to watch, Pay attention, stay awake and not sleep. The pattern I noticed even with myself is that all these actions start with a small one we don't listen to.

I used lyrics for that example but this can be rhythm, thought (imagination), your friends and what they say, movies, books, whatever you keep your mind on. This doesn't mean, throw your tv and stay isolated, this is unavoidable at times but whenever I see certain adds especially trailers instantly press exit on my remote.

I don't allow the enemy 10 seconds of my time to bring me to places where I'm stuck for 6 years.

Those who struggle with sexual sin, there is always a door that is opened or is about to open that you ignored. Always. It's not an overnight, I'm don't with this, kind of thing. Its a practice of not letting the enemy strike where you keep sleeping. When we open that door of sexual sin we open a door that can seem pleasurable in the moment but in the long run that temporary high can have huge consequences

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