Chapter Six.

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Mtema kuni temate—eeh
Nenda mwambie mama—eeh
Mzee amize afile—eeh
Uchuni mwana mwenziwe
Mtema kunii—eeh

Lantana's  P.O.V

       I woke up the next morning still kind of upset about the poor man's death yesterday. I ate a quick breakfast before heading to clean Jason's room. I knocked on the door but no one answered though I heard some movement inside. After debating with myself for a few minutes, I decided to walk in. I found Jason lying on his bed. Turns out he wasn't a morning person. Just like me but I had to wake up early every day or risk punishment. He told me not to knock the next time, to just enter and clean his room without waking him up. I smiled slightly.

         He continued sleeping while I started working. He was pretty neat so there wasn't much to do. Except spreading the bed. I poked his shoulder slightly but he didn't seem to feel it. I kept poking him till he had no option but to wake up. He opened one eye then another. When he saw it was just me, he rolled his eyes, turned,covered himself and went back to sleep. I don't know where I suddenly got the courage but I pushed him off his bed. I had other duties to do and he was only delaying me. Deep down I hoped he wouldn't be mad at me.

           He woke up with a start and started chasing me around his room. It wasn't hard for him to catch me since it was hard running with the dress I was wearing. He poured some could water from his bedside on me. "Who's laughing now,"he said then walked out of the room. On one side my hair is wet but on the bright side I could spread his bed in peace.

          As I was leaving his room, something hard hit my head. I turned around ready to give whoever threw the object at me a piece of my mind. The perpetrator was none other than Jason. He had thrown an apple at me. "For you,"he said then ran away from the hall laughing before I caught up with him.  I think I'll have to get used to this life now but I already liked it. I ate the apple before I was accused of theft. I continued with the rest of my duties with a big smile on my face.


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