Chapter Sixteen.

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At midnight,
He searched
He meditated
He analysed
He synthesised
But yet,
Found not answers to his quest.

Lantana's POV

     After hearing that, Mr Williamson took of running towards the fields.  We all followed him,skirts flailing in the wind. As we got closer, we could see the extent of damage the fire had caused. Half of the tea plantation had been burned to the ground. From a distance, we could see figures retreating into the forests, carrying bundles with them. Some OHMS guards were running after them,rifles in hand. A few shots were fired and a soldier went down. That's when it hit me. The Mau Mau had attacked! I couldn't believe it. I almost forgot my surroundings and whooped for joy. I silently cheered them on, hoping for the whites to be defeated. Looking around me, the Africans all had a secret excitement around them. We wished we could aid the Mau Mau more,but the bundles they were seen carrying confirmed that they had received some sort of assistance. I gave a silent prayer of thanks to my ancestors and "tried" to help put out the fire.

       I was ushered towards the forest to aid the wounded OHMS guards. As I was walking at the edge of the forest,I saw some movement from the corner of my eye. I headed towards and to my surprise, saw a wounded Mau Mau soldier. He was tall, around six feet with chocolate brown skin. His hair was long and was left to lock into dreadlocks,since there was no time for haircare in the forest. He was also muscular. Personally , I thought he was very handsome overally. He looked at me,his eyes judging if I was going to sound an  alarm and have him arrested. I cautiously headed towards him and knelt at his side. Then  I gestured to him to let me help him. Deeming that I was trustworthy,he gave a sigh of relief and showed me his wound. Luckily,it wasn't that serious. A bullet had grazed his leg and he was bleeding. I quickly disinfected the wound and bandaged it. After I was done, I helped him stand up and he tried to move about. I could tell he was in pain. It was clear in his eyes, but the Mau Mau were tough. He ignored his pain and headed towards the forest,not wanting to be far behind the rest of the group.

       He turned and thanked me for my  assistance. I in turn gave him a salute. He smiled softly and then spoke,"Thank you, I hope that  when the war is over we shall meet again. My name is Maingi. May I know yours?" A soft blush made its way up my cheeks and I shyly looked at the ground and drew a map." I'm Lantana," I replied. "Lantana. Mhhhh. A unique name for a beautiful young lady. Here,take this as a token of my appreciation. Stay safe,and we shall meet again."he said with a final wave. And he left. I watched him disappear into the forest then turned to see what he had placed in my hand. It was a beautiful wooden comb,with a carving of a tree and an elephant on it. I knew I would keep it forever. Wacii would so be jealous when I showed it to her later.

        I turned to leave with a smile lingering on my face. I gasped. There, in the shadows,  was a white OHMS guard, watching silently from his hideout behind a tree. Questions ran through my mind. Had he seen what had happened? He slowly stalked towards me. He opened his mouth and thundered,"What do you think you are doing slave!"...

An update at last
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