19 - Drifter

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Draco watched as the door slammed shut behind her.

Pansy began bouncing up and down, hitting his arm gleefully. But he couldn't join in, instead trying to push away the stirring sensation he'd been experiencing inside his stomach ever since she'd sat down at the desk next to him.

Fuck, she'd smelt amazing. Her scent triggered something in him that made him want to reach out and violently grab her. He honestly didn't know if he wanted to hit her or kiss her. But the energy he felt building up inside of him when he even looked at her took him by surprise. He'd never felt anything like it before and he was itching for some kind of release.

He knew, of course, that she was telling the truth, that his own father had in fact been at the graveyard that night and witnessed as Voldemort taunted and tortured her next to Potter's lifeless body.

But he'd promised his parents that he would encourage the story that Diggory was nothing more than a deluded liar. It was with utmost importance, his father said, that the Malfoy's were seen to be supporting the Ministry.

"Want to go for a walk after dinner?" Pansy asked, her eyes glinting coyly as she placed a hand on his thigh and gently squeezed.

He glanced down, swallowing, sorely tempted. Over the summer, he and Pansy had taken things beyond just kissing. It wasn't anything wild or anything like he'd seen in the Muggle videos Theo had once shown him, but he still enjoyed the things she let him do to her.

It beat having a lonely wank in the shower at any rate.

"Dray?" She asked again when he didn't answer.

He tried not to allow his lip to curl up in disdain. Merlin, how he hated it when she called him that. His name was Draco. It was almost as irritating as when he heard people calling Cecilia 'Cece'. Cecilia was a beautiful name, why would anyone want to shorten it?

A gave himself a mental shake. For fuck's sake, why was he thinking about that bitch when a willing girl was sat right next to him offering it on a plate?

"Sure, Pansy," he drawled lazily, "we'll go to my room."

There was no point pretending they were actually going to get any walking done.


I arrived at my detention in a foul fucking mood.

It hadn't helped that I'd bumped into Draco and Pansy on the way out of dinner, the latter giggling excitedly as she clung possessively onto her pet ferret.

"Enjoy your detention, Diggory!" She had yodelled nastily. "It'll help prepare you for the mental asylum that you're gonna end up locked in!"

I rolled my eyes, choosing to ignore her as Draco - who had barely glanced in my direction - dragged her more forcefully away, clearly keen to disappear down to the dungeons.

"Where's the ink?" I asked once I had settled behind the desk in Umbridge's office, picking up the black quill that she provided.

"Oh, you won't be needing that!" She said in that sickly sweet voice that made me want to blow my fucking ears off.

I nearly dropped the quill the moment I began to scratch the nib against parchment. Because on the back of my hand, I felt something I'd been desperate to feel for what seemed like a long, long time.


"Is everything okay, Miss Diggory?" Umbridge asked, her eyebrows raised.

"Don't show her any weakness, Cece! Don't give the bitch the satisfaction."

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