50 - The Gatecrasher

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I get released from St Mungo's just in time for Slughorn's Christmas party, much to my dismay.

The second I step foot back inside the castle, I receive strange looks as people nervously whisper behind their hands and avoid me at all costs.

Of course, I'm now the freak who tried to top herself.

I turn to my Gryffindor friends, hoping to get a bit of empathy from them. But Hermione is too busy moaning about Ron, and Ron is too busy moaning in Lavender.

My eyes constantly search for a certain Slytherin, but he does not seem to be anywhere. He never visited again after that one time. I mean, I didn't blame him. I was a rotten mess. And our arrangement was benefits only.

So I choose not to actively seek him out. Besides, I was instructed to refrain from sexual activity for another two weeks, so there was little point going to find him in the Room of Requirement.

"You are coming to the party tonight, Cece?" Hermione asks on the morning of the last day of term as I wearily help myself to a piece of toast.

I was quickly regretting my decision to join her on the Gryffindor table for breakfast after being too exhausted to bat off Zacharias and Justin's continued attempts to 'woo' me. They didn't seem to take the hint that I would literally sooner kill myself than sleep with the likes of them.

"I dunno, Hermione," I sigh heavily, chewing on a dry bit of crust. "I've only just got out of hospital and don't feel up to it-"

"But you've got to come!" Hermione wails, "Cormac asked to be my date and I don't want to be left alone with him! He keeps trying to pinch my bottom."

"Then why did you agree to it?" I ask, looking at her incredulously.

Her eyes slide over to where Ron appears to be looking for his breakfast in Lavender's mouth. Her face turns a deep scarlet.

"Oh, for fuck's sake," I mutter, wishing I could just die already. "Fine. I'll go. But I'm not staying late."

Because I don't want to be the only one without a date, and to stop Zacharias and Justin constantly dropping hints, I ask Luna to be my plus one.

She is more than delighted, especially as it means she can be at the party with Neville after all, who is not allowed to take a date as he is supposed to be the waiter.

"Slughorn is a fucking power hungry twat," I say dryly, shaking my head. "No wonder everyone wants to top themselves in this god forsaken place."

I mean, we've got one student trying to secretly off the headmaster with the help of the Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher. What a joke.

I briefly wonder how Draco's task is coming along. But seeing as Dumbledore is still prancing around the hallways, waving mistletoe above children's heads, I'm guessing not good.


I sigh heavily as I glance in the mirror at my reflection.

Needless to say, I do not look happy to see me. Even in my favourite colour yellow I still look blue.

Luna is waiting for me outside the Hufflepuff entrance, looking bright eyed and beautiful. She is the only one who looks at me with genuine warmth, and I am grateful to her for that.

"You look beautiful, Cece," she smiles serenely, offering out her arm.

I return the compliment, marvelling at her silver, shimmering three-tier dress. "I made it myself," she explains, giving me a twirl.

Behind me, Hannah and Susan fall out of the common room, sniggering. "Freaks," I hear them mutter cruelly.

Luna's face falls, but I just hold my head up high and take her arm. "Come on, let's go and save Hermione from a date worse than death."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2022 ⏰

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