35 - Hate

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Draco catches up with me as I make my way morosely down to the Hufflepuff quarters.

"Cecilia," he growls, stepping out of the shadows, his sudden, intimidating appearance making me startle.

His grey eyes burn into mine with a surprising intensity. I step back, feeling mildly apprehensive.

"Malfoy?" I say, silently cursing my voice which quivers slightly in my weakened state.

He frowns, his eyes flickering around my face. "Are you alright? She didn't hurt you, did she?"

Good Lord, he has no idea, I realise. Am I really going to have to be the one to tell him?

"Look," I say, sighing wearily, "it's been a long day, and I'm tired-"

"Let's go back to that room." Draco jumps in, his voice commanding. "The one with the bed and-"

"Bellatrix killed Sirius and your father has been arrested." I blurt out. I literally am too exhausted to pussy foot around the details.

Draco's face falls. His eyes seem to contract and widen as he takes this information in. I see it play out in his expression. Shock, disbelief, anger.

"You're lying," he says slowly.

"Why the fuck would I lie? I saw your aunt kill Sirius Black and then Aurors came and arrested your father who, by the way, tried to fucking kill me again! So, yes, here's hoping they throw away the key!"

Without warning, Draco's arms shoot out and he grabs me with both hands. His fingers dig deep into my upper arms as he violently shakes me. "You're lying!" He hisses angrily. "Tell me you're fucking lying!"

"Let go of me, you prick!" I grit as I lift my leg and knee him hard in the balls.

He lets go of me immediately, his face slowly turning puce as he bends over double and grabs his crotch in his hands.

"You- little- bitch!"

"I just watched yet another friend die at the hands of people like your father." I snarl. "He is exactly where he deserves to be. And don't you dare call me a liar. I've had enough of that crap from your precious Umbitch."

I thrust the back of my hand in his face so he can see exactly what I mean. I must not tell lies.

His eyes widen, and for a moment I see a look of horror flit across his face.

Giving a bitter bark of laughter, I turn, ready to call it a night and await the dawning of another exhausting day.

But fingers snap around my wrist, halting me. I glance back, my breath catching in my throat. For Draco no longer looks furious and his eyes give a gentle flicker.

"Don't go," he says hoarsely, "I can't- I can't be alone right now."

I hesitate. The truth is, I don't much like the idea of being on my own either. But it is Harry I want to seek comfort in right now, not Draco. Only... yes, sort of Draco, because more than ever I could do with Harry using Draco's body to give me one of his sweet cuddles.

What is being offered here, however, is incredibly toxic. But screw it, I'm probably going to die soon anyway, so I'll take all the comfort, no matter how unhealthy it is, that I can.

So slowly, I nod. His features immediately soften, and in that moment I see a flash of vulnerability in him.

I follow him up to the seventh floor. We don't discuss it, it is just a given that we're going there. I suddenly long to lie down on the bed and curl up in Draco's arms imagining it's Harry.

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