40 - Visits

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I don't really know what I was thinking of when I asked Draco to stay.

Must have been the drugs, I deduce the following morning when I hurriedly shake him awake.

"Shit, Malfoy, get the fuck out of here!" I hiss when I hear movement at the far end of the ward.

He groggily sits up, rubbing his tired face, before focusing his grey eyes bewilderedly on me. "What the-?"

"Hide - now! Someone's here!"

His eyes widen in realisation and he quickly dives down under the bed just as the curtains are pulled open, revealing a beaming Pomfrey.

"Ah! Good morning, my child. How's the arm feeling today? All fixed up?"

"Uh- I guess?" How the fuck am I supposed to know? She's the nurse.

She grabs it and starts to take the bandages off. "Just so you know, there's a queue of well wishers waiting outside. Someone's very popular, indeed."

"Me?" I ask, baffled.

"Well, there's no one else here."

"Who's out there?" I ask, curiously.

"That dashing young Zacharias Smith! He's been waiting since five o'clock this morning. I shouldn't spoil the surprise but I can't resist - he has the largest bouquet of roses I have ever seen! Someone's smitten."

A sound like a growl comes from beneath the bed. Pomfrey looks around, startled.

"Um- my stomach," I lie, "I'm rather hungry."

"Well, that's lucky because young Justin Finch-Fletchley is also out there with a giant chocolate cake! Said he baked it himself especially for you! Let me tell you, a man who bakes is a keeper!"

"Oop- there goes my stomach again!" I laugh loudly as another growl emits from under the bed.

Pomfrey raises her eyebrows and turns her attention back to my arm. "Ah! Good as new! You'll need to stay in until the end of the day until the drugs wear off. Missing your first day of lessons because of that wretched train. Honestly, you don't know how many children have ended up in here from doing the exact same thing."

She bustles away, laughing.

I lean over the bed and peer underneath. "What are you, a fucking dog? What's with all the growling?"

"They've made a bet about you!" He growls again. "I'll kill them."

I roll my eyes. "Quit being so dramatic. If it gets me cake and flowers, I'm winning."

"But they're doing it so you'll have sex with them!" Draco splutters, his face flushing an angry pink.

"Doesn't mean I will. If they're both idiotic enough to lavish me with gifts in the meantime then I'm taking it. Wait- are you jealous?"

"No." He looks away, avoiding my eye. "It's just not right... betting on you like that."

"You are jealous!"

"Says the one literally dragging other girls away from me."

"That was different, I was getting my feelings confused because of Harry."

"How? Moments later you were begging me to fuck you."

I'm about to retort that he wasn't exactly saying no, when Madam Pomfrey's voice drifted through the ward.

"She's in the bed at the far end! Do enjoy the delicious looking cake! I'll just fetch you a vase for those beautiful flowers!"

Draco and I exchange panicked looks as footsteps approach.

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