The Still Mill

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batman glided from rooftop to rooftop before he made it to the steel mill. he started to find a way in as he hears joker's voice on speakers, " welcome, inmates. you are now taking your first, tentative steps towards a better world. a world of fun, mischief, and best of all, a world where the only person you need to answer to is yours truly." as batman was getting closer to the radio signal before Harley Quinn's voice came on the speakers, " listen up, dumb-asses and listen carefully. as you know, mister J is... he's.... he's not himself, and the last thing he needs is any so-called superhero coming in her and stopping his' recuperation. that's where you come in, morons. you need to protect the steel mill, protect it with your life because if you fail, I'll make sure your miserable lives don't mean zip. you get it, good" batman then grappled up near the main chimney of the steel mill and saw that's where the radio signal ended. " Alfred. I need to find a route into the sionis steel mill" batman said in his earpeace, " have you tried the front door, sir?" Alfred asks. " why didn't I think of that?" batman asks sarcastically, " it was obviously too east. let's see... if all other access routes are locked down, the only way in would be... no... it's suicide." Alfred replied as batman looked up at the still chimney to see it was off. " the main chimney? ok then." batman said before he grappled up before falling towards the fire below it before he fired a line launcher before he hits the fire. he landed on the wipe before he glided to safety. he saw a vent grate that leads him to the loading bay, he started crawling through the vents before he heads some thugs talking to each other, " yeah, joker wants you to think he's sick. then, wham! gotcha!" a thug said to his friend who said, " I don't know, man. he looks pretty sick." the thug scoffs before saying, " you mean worse than usual?" " shut up, man. someone'll hear you" the thug's friend said as he looked around to check that no one heard him. " who cares? by the sound of things, he won't be around much longer. when that happens, I'm off to join up with two-face" " why would you do that? he's crazier than joker. at least with the joker you know he's got a plan. two-face just flips that damn coin." the thug's friend said. " yeah, and what do you think will happen when joker dies? you feel like working for Harley Quinn?" the thug asks. " she's okay, kinda hot" his friend replied as the thug shook his head, " no, she's fuckin'insane and she'll be grievin'. probably kill you for not showing respect."  " maybe, he'll get better. the docs keep coming in and trying. they could find a cure, it happens, right?" " maybe. maybe not. but whatever happens, it's going to be time to pick sides." the thug replied before walking away. 

Batman started to keep making his way through the vents until he saw the main loading bay, he looked through some thugs looking up at Harley Quinn who was standing in the doorway of the main office above them with a doctor next to her, " I promised you some entertainment, right boys?" Harley said as the doctor begged to let her live as she said " please. I did my best" Quinn shook her head before saying, " well, you should have tried harder." she then kicks the doctor off the engine sending her down to the hard ground in the loading bay where the thugs watched her land in front of them. " that useless quack has failed mister J. and you know what the means." Harley said before the thugs below her started to chant out, " Kill, Kill, Kill!" they yelled out before Harley smiled and said, " oh, I think we can do better than that. get in here mister hammer." then a big man with one arm and a sledgehammer in his hand came in before joker called for Harley back in the main office, "Harley!" joker called out, " coming to Mr.J" Harley replied before walking back In the office. batman kept making his way through the vents until he hears the doctor call out for help. he looked through another vent grate and saw Mr. hammer attacking the woman as she crawled away. " help me!" the doctor called out as she missed the hammer before she let out a scream as Mr. Hammer was about to attack again, but then Harley Quinn said, " stop! change of plans. take her to the smelting chamber. mister J wants this one to suffer a little longer" as a thug grabs the doctor and drags her out of the loading bay as the main doors open and thugs started to run out as Harley Quinn said, " right then. the rest of you idiots get out of here. you know what you have got to do. go get the snowman and bring him back here right NOW! he's going to pay for screwing over Mr. J. I need him back here like yesterday.!". 

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