Cold Call Killer

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batman and nightingale were looking around Arkham when they hear a phone ring, batman looked at nightingale with a confused look but she only shrugged her shoulders signalling t batman that she didn't know where the sound was coming from. but then they looked down and saw a telephone ringing, batman dropped to the ground and answers it and placed the phone to his ear, " hello.... batman. do you recognize my voice?" a man said, batman, held his breath in anger as he said, " victor zsasz. " " in the flesh. I'm so happy you remember me. I'll never forget you. I've got a special game planed, batman. a game just for you and nightingale. ring, ring. " then the phones went silent. batman hanged up the phone and looked up at nightingale, " who was it?" she asks from above, " victor zsasz" batman replied, " what?" nighitngale asks in shock as she jumped down to batman. " I thought we dealt with him back in Arkham asylum" nighitngale said, " well he's in Arkham city, and has a game for us. we need to wait and see what he does next," batman said, as so began the waiting game. 

later that night, another telephone rang near the heroes. batman answers it knowing who was on the other line, " speak" batman said as he turned to nightingale and she started to try and track the call on her gauntlet. " oh, batman. you sound impatient. that is good. that is very good. you'll need that to solve my little game. you may have heard that I've been providing salvation to the mindless drones lucky enough to answer my calls." zsasz said, " hardly salvation. you've been killing them." batman replied. " that's just a question of perspective. for example, from where I'm standing. I can see three little piggies just waiting for me to cure them of life. from their perspective, I'd imagine they see things differently." zsasz said as anger filled batman, " if you hurt them, zsasz. I will hunt you down."  " I bet you will. but first, a little game. right now, somewhere in Arkham city. there is a phone ringing. I know, it's a bid place, but you need to find it" zsasz said. nightingale hears this and started to scan the area for all the telephones and find the one that's ringing, she got its location. " take too long and I kill these piggies. and don't try anything clever. I had a friend help me bounce this signal through every relay from here to bluehaven. you will never find me. now, hang up that phone and start running. ring, ring. ring, ring." 

 batman hung up the phone and turned to nightingale, " we need to find that phone, now" he said, nightngale nodded her head, " I have the location of the first phone, come on follow me" she said as she started to lead batman to the ringing phone, they didn't have much time. they kept running till the made it to the ringing phone, batman picked it up as nightingale tried to track the call. " did I ever tell you about my first kill, batman." zsasz started. " no? as i am sure you are aware, my parents were dead and i was rich. so rich i could have anything i wanted, but of course, all i wanted was them back. i now know that was impossible, of course, that their deaths served a higher purpose. but back then, i had yet to experience the joy of cold steel cutting through warm flesh. i had no idea how i could save these people from the relentless misery of their existence." zsasz said. " you should have stayed that way" batman replied as nightingale kept tracing the signal, " really? then I'll stop now. find another telephone, batman. goodbye" zsasz said before the phone went silent. 

batman sighs as he hangs up the phone and turned to nightingale, " any luck?" he asks. " sort of, but I'll need more time to track him" nightingale said, " then we need to find another phone" battman said before he and nightingaale vanished into the night looking for another phone. as they walked around arkham city, another phone rang and batman answers it. " please hold for mister zsasz. I'm sorry, he's not avalidble right now. you need to find the phone" zsasz said before the line went silent. batman and nightingale followed the signal that the phone was coming from before they found the telephone, batman answers once again as nightingale tracked the call. 

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