Joker's poisoned me

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batman started to wake up as his vision begins to clear. he looks up and saw Harley Quinn walking towards him as she was about to pull off his mask, joker said " get back here, Harley!" " But I want to know who he is, sweetie," Harley said before walking away as joker coughed before saying, " no one's who you think they are, my dear. why spoil the fun?"  batman looked up and said, " it was all a lie. there's nothing wrong with you". joker chuckled as he walked towards batman from the darkness, " nice of you to say, but, you of all people should know... there's plenty wrong with me" joker said as he leaned towards batman and the light hits his face to reveal joker's face. batman silently gasps as he saw Joker's face, joker's face looked burned and he had one bloodshot eye as he gave batman a sinister smile before he takes a vial of blood out of his pocket. " take my blood for example. I wish somebody would... this stuff is killing me." he said as he chuckled, " why should I care" batman replied as joker looked at him, " because now, there's a teeny little bit of me in you too, bats" joker said as batman looked to his left and saw some blood bogs hanging on a metal pole and a needle in batman's arm, batman tried to get out of the wheelchair but he was tied down. " oh, c'mon. don't tell me it's not what you always wanted." joker says making batman looked back at him. " look, we're running out of time. I need your help, I nearly had a cure; it was so close but then it was taken from me." " so we both die, I'm fine with that" batman replied as hew mind made his realize that he would leave his wife and family behind " are you? imagine. sucking down that last breath, knowing that gotham is doing the same." " what are you talking about?" batman asks in confusion, " oh, didn't I say. I've spent weeks shipping samples of my blood to emergency rooms all over the city" joker said as he turned to back to batman. " so, that's protocol ten. poison gotham. i exspeted more." batman replied as joker turned back to him. " protocol ten?" joker said with a gasp but then he said " never heard of it." he then leaned towards batman's ear and whispers, " hold tight." he then pushed batman out of the window with his foot as the wheelchair crashed through the glass window and falls down o the hard ground bellow as joker yells out, " I'll be in touch!". 

sometime later, Batman wakes up to find himself outside of the steel mill. he groans in pain as he hears the sound of a phone ringing, he looks down at his chest to see the phone had been taped to him, as he stood up he rips the phone off her chest before clicking the answer button and saw joker's face on the screen. " I'm listening." batman said. " it someone feeling a little down?" joker said making batman angrier. " what do you want?" batman replied as he looked up to see the smashed window of the manager's office had been bored up, " oh, bats, cheer up. it won't kill you. oops." joker said as he let's out a chuckle. " where is the cure? who has it" batman demanded, " I had our cold-hearted friend mister freeze making it. but he's gone dark on me." joker said, " I'll find him" batman replied, " I bet you-" joker started but batman crushed the phone with his hand before he took out the phone chip and placed it in his gloves before clicking his earpiece, " Alfred. joker's poisoned me. he may have poisoned Gotham too. mister freeze has the only cure," he said. " what are you waiting for then? he's in Arkham city. Find him." Alfred replied, " if only it was that simple. he'll be somewhere cold. he needs to be kept at sub-zero temperatures to survive." batman said as he looked around him to see it was snowing, " I don't wish to worry you, but It is the middle of winter out there." Alfred replied, "I noticed. I've calibrated the cowl to track heat signature. I'll find the coldest point in Arkham city. have you heard from catlin yet?" he asks, " Nothing yet sir" Alfred replied in a worried voice. " okay, I'll find her." batman replied before he started to follow the signal of the coldest point of Arkham. 

as he was following the signal, he got a voice mail from the joker, he clicks his gloves computer and listens, " oh, I can't believe I didn't think of this earlier. a hotline straight to my bestest friend in all the world. just think, I can call you up whenever I get bored. I think our relationship is really maturing here, the next thing you know is we'll be exchanging emails to meeting up for romantic dinners." batman rolled his eyes before he finished following the signal and ended up at the old G.C.P.D. building. " the old G.C.P.D building? freeze must be using one of the old forensic labs. I've got to get in there" batman said as he landed on a rooftop in front of the building as he looked down and saw some of joker's thugs trying to get in. " what's stopping it?" a thug asks his friend who was trying to open the door, " the door, it's shut tight" the thug's friend replied. " so what now?" the thug asks in confusion, " you two keep trying to get in. I'll blow their faces off if they try to get out." a thug said before he walks off to keep guard, " and then what? we just grab freeze and take him back to the joker?" the thug still trying to open the door asks as his friend nodded his head, " sounds like a plan. anyone got anything to smoke?" the thug asks as everyone shook their heads. 

then batman throws a smoke bomb down blinding the thugs as they all looked around in confusion before batman jumps down and started to attack them. once he had dealt with them, he used his remote electrical charge to open the door before he slid under it getting into the G.C.P.D. parking lot where there was one of penguin's thugs lying on the floor next to the entrance. then penguin's voice was heard on the thug's radio, " cal you hear me? what's going on? oh, for the love of... if any of you idiots at the G.C.P.D. are still capable of breathing, switch to channel puffin-zero. do you understand? puffin-zero. now!" penguin said in anger before the radio went quiet. " I should grab that radio. I can use it to listen into penguin's communications." batman said to himself before he grabs the radio and takes the card out.  he then placed the card in his remote hacking device and hacked into penguin's communication before walking into the room. it was time to find mister freeze. 

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