The Museum

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batman walks into the museum and hacks the barrier, the barrier lowers and batman was now able to continue his mission. as he walks through the main entrance and saw a police officer getting beat up by some of penguins' thugs. once batman dealt with the thugs, he goes and helps the officer up " you're safe... for now" batman said to him as the officer nodded his head, " thank god!" the officer said with a sigh of relief. " you may want to hold off on thanking him until after you've answered my question. who are you?" batman asks " sorry, man. I'm a cop. Gordon send us in here." the officer said as batman remembered that Gordon told him about the undercover officers, " Gordon always said he planned on sending your team in." batman replied. " he wanted to know what was going on in here. I guess we found out. there were ten of us, hopefully, there still are" the officer said in worry as he looked down the hallway behind him. " I told Gordon it was too dangerous to send you in. stay here, if the rest of your team is alive, I'll find them," batman said to the officer who nodded his head as batman started to go down the hallway, he came to some kind of gladiator pit before he hears the sound of gunfire. 

he looks up and saw a police officer stumbling towards the balcony above batman, " help.. me" the officer said before he was shot again in the back before he fell to the ground. the person who shot him was penguin who laughed and walks towards the balcony with some of his men, batman was about to throw a Batarang at penguin but the crime boss shook his head. " I wouldn't do that if I was you," he said as batman looked and saw a big man with one arm holding a police officer by the neck over the balcony. batman lowers the Batarang knowing if he did something, the cop would be killed. " so, batman, you're for the cops? the ice-man? or me?" penguin asks as he lets out an evil cackle " I was only here for fries and the hostages. but now.. I'm taking you down too." batman replied in an intimidating tone. " aren't you scared?" penguin joked as he laughed, " you're about to find out." batman replied " am I really? " penguin ask before one of his men placed a cigar in his mouth and lights it, " listen, I'm what you might call, a collector" penguin said before one of his men takes the cigar out of his mouth as he blew out some smoke. " if someone wants it, I like to think... I've got it. and if I don't have it, I'll get it. so here's the thing. back there, I've got a cabinet with your's and your little birdies name on it, just waiting to be filed and, as luck would have it, here you are, standing just where I want you. so, what are you think? are you going to be a good boy and give up nicely?" penguin asks. 

" you're not giving orders here anymore, cobblepot," batman said, " I was hoping you'd say that. look around you. this horrible bunch of psychopaths are all begging to join up with me." penguin started at batman looked around him too see Arkham inmates behind a gate as they banged on the gate and yelled at him, " but unfortunately for them, I only take the best, and today, best mean's whoever can kill you. come on out, lads," penguin said as he spreads his arms as his umbrella hits on of his men where the sun didn't shine as the thug landed on the ground holding his sensitive part. " it's initiation time!" penguin finished as the gate opens and Arkham inmates came running in. some thug's started to run towards batman, but batman missed the attack before he started fighting other thugs. as batman punched a thug in the face, another thug came charging at batman with an iron pipe, but batman grabs the thug, broke his arm, and hits him with the iron pipe. " You weren't supposed to do that, batman" penguin said as he aims his umbrella at a metal crate that was hanging above batman, he fires his umbrella and a bullet hits the chain that hanged the metal crate and it fell towards batman," you're forcing me to bring out the big guns." penguin said. Batman jumps out of the way before he hears growling coming from inside the crate. batman looks up at the crate and saw a titan monster smash its way out of the crate before it grabs the rate and throws it at batman who moved out of the way, " he doesn't look happy to see you, batman. good luck!" penguin said as he walks away leaving batman to fight the monster, the titan monster charged at batman who jumps out of the way before he used his grapple hook and fired it making it attach itself to its hand. batman pulled the titan monster's hand making it stumble to the ground before he ran towards it punched it in the face before he jumps in the air and slammed its head to the ground, knocking it out. batman tried to catch his breath as he tried to think of a plan before he clicks his ear-peace. 

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