Wonder In The Wings

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batman and nighitngale were running from rooftop to rooftop, ngihtingale noticed someone watching them from afar. " bruce" she said before she pointed to the mysterious figure. " who's that?" she asks her husband, " let's find out" batman said before he jumps off the rooftop and started glided towards the rooftop, he landed in front of the man. the man turned and said, "I have been watching you, batman. to see if you are ready." then the man pulled out a blade as it lights on fire, he then slammed it to the ground before smoke surrounded them. " batman!" ngihtingale said as she lost sight of him, so she jumps off the roof and grappled to the rooftop where batman was. as the smoke clears, batman looked down and saw some marking on the ground. nighitngale ran up to batman, " are you alright?" she asks before she looked down at the marking. " how strange?" she said to herself before she kneels down and looks at it closely. 

she scans the simple before she looked at her map on her gauntlet and saw the simple log in, " let's keep our eyes peeled for this guy." Nightingale said as batman nodded his head before they jumped off the rooftop into the night. 

*Time Skipped*

nightingale and batman were on a rooftop near the steel mill as they were looking around for any sign of trouble, but as nightingale turned around, the mystery watcher was right in front of her. she jumped back in fear as she lets out a small scream alerting batman. " are you the ones the prophecies spoke of? " the mystery watcher asks before he disappears in smoke. batman and nightingale coughed due to the smoke before it cleared as another simple was left behind on the ground. nighitngale log it in her gulet, the mystery becomes be interesting. 

* time skipped*

batman and nighitngale were near the museum as they heard some cemosion before batman saw the mystery watcher on the rooftop across from them, batman looked at nightingale before he gliseded to the other roof top. as he landed in front of the mystrys watcher, the man said, " we have been watching you for a long time, batman " the mystrys watcher vanished in smoke leaving another simple on the ground. batman scans it before looking ighitngale on the other rooftop as he sighs. 

*Time Skipped* 

batman and nighitngale were looking around the steel mill area when they noticed the myterys watcher standing ontop of the ferriswheel. they grappled up to the top of the ferris wheel, batman grappled infont of the man. " the moment is close. the truth will soon be shown." the man said before he vanished once again, batman waved the smoke away to see the man gone. nighitngale grappled next to him, " what did he say?" she asks him. " the truth will soon be shown' what does that mean?" he said to himself before he scans the simple again and it logged into nighitngale's and batman's gunlet. nightignale opens up her map and noticed something about the simbles, " the four symbols create a master stigil that looks like it fits over the map of arkham city" nightingale said as she showed batman. 

batman looked at the simbles before he moved the simboles and sovled the puszzel, " the symbols have marked a point on the map of arkahm city" he said to nightingale, " it looks like the church." she said before they both took off towards the church. 

they made it to the church and saw a simbole on the wall, " it looks like the other ones we saw" nightingale said as she went for a closer look. but then the mysrous watcher jumps down from the roof tops and landed in front of nighitngale who took a step back. the mystrous watcher was wearing silver arour with a red hood and red mask. as he had a blade of his gauntlet. " I know youvtwo would fine me" he said. 

" it wasn't hard, you left us a map." nightingale said as she showed the map on her guntlet. the mystrous watcher nodded his head as he was pleased before batman stood next to nightingale and asks, " who are you and what do you want? why are you watching us?" the mystrous watcher began to walk around them as he said, " we have been given many names but you came to know me as azreal, loyal servant to the order of st. dumas." " just what we need. another secret society" nightingale whispers to herself before azreal stooped infrot of her making her jump a bit. " I bring a message. dark days are coming, heroes. the prophecy is coming true. you two are the warriors who will close the gates of hell. you are the ones who will save this day and in doing so events will occur that you cannot stop. from the ashes of arkham, the fires will rage and gotham will burn. and you, you will burn too. " azreal said, this gave a shiver in nightingale's spine before batman said, " I don't believe in fairy tales." 

azreal looked at batman before backing away from the heroes, " believe what you will. the message has been delivered. we will meet again" azreal said before disappearing in smoke. batman shakes his head before walking away as nightingale played the words that azreal spoke off, " the fires will rage, what does the mean?" she asks herself before batman placed his hand on her shoulder, " let not think of that for now. we have work to do" batman said before he and nighitngale grappled up into the night for another mission is waiting for them. 

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