Protocol Ten

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" well, what do we have here?" Catwoman said as she walks up to batman before helping him get the stones off him. once he was upon his feet, batman ran towards nightingale and helps her up, " you okay?" he asks as nightingale sighs and nodded her head, " I'm okay" she said as they both looked at Catwoman. " figured you two could use my help" Watonwan said, " you're right, I think I chipped a nail back there" batman joked as nightingale shakes her head. " you stick with the brooding, I'll handle the wisecracks.  I guess we both know what protocol ten is now, right? if you're planning on stopping it, you need to hurry" Catwoman replied before she walked away into the Arkham city night. 

batman and nightingale grappled up to the roof of the steel mill and saw TYGER helicopters flying over Arkham city and blowing it to ash. nightingale was more worried about her sister as she clicked her earpeace. " (Y/N), strange is launching missile strikes on Arkham city from wonder tower. you shut this placed down: joker's taken, Talia. I'm going after them" catlin said, " what? why do you want to go and save her?" (Y/N) asks in confusion. " she's my sister." catlin said as (Y/N) looked at Alfred in shock and confusion while catlin tried to trace the tracker but then batman stops her by grabbing her wrist and walked in front of her " you can't. hundreds will be killed, catlin. I need your help to stop the attack." he said but catlin rips her wrist from his hand and said, " but he'll kill Talia, bruce." " you need to think this through. nightingale can't let all these people die" Alfred said as catlin looked at her wristwatch and saw that the tracer can't be found. " my tracker's not activating. re-route all Wayne-tech satellites to boot the signal." catlin said. (Y/N) thinks before she shook her head, " no" (Y/N) said. " what did you say, young lady?" catlin asks in anger. " I can't do that. I realize it is difficult. but you need to decide if one life is worth sacrificing to save a thousand?" (Y/N) said as catlin shook her head, " don't do this, (Y/N)" she said. " nightingale and batman must save Gotham " (Y/N) replied as batman placed his hand on her shoulder and made her turn to face him. " catlin, deep down, you know she's right. we can't let strange win." batman said. 

catlin thinks for a moment as the wind blew in her hair and she looked up at the helicopters before she sighs, " (Y/N). don't lose Talia's signal. ok, the tower's locked down. no way in without the codes. one of the choppers will be carrying the master control program. we just need to find that chopper." nightingale sad before she and batman started to grappled to different helicopters and scanned them for the code. they scan a helicopter and found the master control program codes, " bruce, I've got the codes. we need to head to wonder tower." catlin replied, " good. you're doing the right thing. the code should let you enter via the guard room near the main gate." (Y/N) said as nightingale jumps onto a rooftop and batman landed next to her. " don't lose Talia's signal. when we're finished in the tower, we're going after her. she doesn't know joker, she's out of her depth. I need to save her." catlin said as they both started to make their way to the main entrance of wonder tower. 

they made their way to the entrance of wonder tower and saw two snipers. they both took them out before they made their way into the Arkham city processing center where they saw some TYGER guards holding some people at gunpoint. " please! don't do it again!" one of the hostages begged. as the TYGER guard spoke to strange, " element work. hold them in processing we will let you know when we are ready to move them down to the execution chamber. " strange sadi, " affirmative, command" the TYGER guard replied before batman and nightingale jumps down and started to fight them. after they dealt with the guards, strange appears on the TV screen in front of them. " stop right there, heroes. we need to talk and I know you two wouldn't be able to love with yourselves if your actions caused this poor man to die." strange said as the camera zoomed out and showed strange holding a syringe at a man's neck, nightingale gaps in honor before the entrance gate opens and some TYGER guards came running in and surrounded the heroes. " I have a question for you both. before my arrival, this city was drawing under a tide of filth. have you two ever considered that all this is your fault? your presence creates these animals; like germs, they spread. you created the environment that allowed the germ to mutat, to become stronger. look at the joker. would he even exist if not get you?" strange said to batman. 

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