Poison Ivy

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" sounds like the detective will be busy with the joker for a while. good" Catwoman said as she sat on the rooftop looking down at an entrance to one of strange's vaults. " gives this kitten some time to play. so what next? help tall, brooding, and handsome, or help myself to all the look professor strange had locked up in that vault of his" Catwoman said as she thinks of what to do, " I know. difficult chance, right?" Catwoman said before she gets out her phone and looks at the blueprints of the vaults, " hmm. what will it be? find croc and have him rip a hole into the vault? ask penguin for some explosives? not my style" Catwoman then looks down and saw a plant shop that had been overrun by some bug veins, Catwoman smiled as she replied who was perfect for the job. " I always prefer a woman's touch in these situations." Catwoman stood up as she placed her phone back in he suit pocket as she said, 

" Stay where you are ivy, I'm coming to get you". 

Catwoman started to make her way to her apartment near the courthouse. once she landed on the rooftop next to her apartment she saw some thugs waiting for her outside the window of her apartment, " how are we supposed to find out where she lives anyway?" a thug asks, " two-face said, she lives somewhere near" another thug replied as the thug shrugged his shoulders, " so what? how does he know?" he said as his friend replied, " how am I supposed to know. I don't question the boss. you shouldn't either" " I know, I know. how come he's so pissed all of a sudden anyway?" the thug asks in confusion. " oh, I dunno. maybe it's because Catwoman left him hanging over that acid tank?" he friend said. " really?" the thug replied in shock, " yeah, he had her just where he wanted her and that bitch broke free." " seriously? how come I miss all this stuff?" the thug asks. " maybe it's because you spend half your life eating that crap in those tin's, and the other half on the crapper." his friend replied as the thug nodded his head agreeing with him as he said, " yeah, there's something wrong with it. " " then here's an idea. stop eating it and find out where Catwoman's been hiding." the thug's friend replied before Catwoman took him out from above, " it's Catwoman!" a thug replied as he charged at her with a bat. she kicks the thug in the ribs before grabbing the bat out of the thug's hand and hit him with it knocking him out before he started to do a beat down on another thug before finishing him off. 

Catwoman sighs before she walked towards the window and climbs up before opening it as she said, " it's good to be home". she climbs into her apartment, grabs her caltrops, and bolas before placing it in her suit pocket. she then jumped out of the apartment and landed on the ground, "ok, Selina, time to find Ivy. let's hope she's forgiven me. of course she had. she wouldn't hold a grudge." Catwoman said to herself before she started to make her way to ivy's hideout in Arkham. as she jumped from rooftop to rooftop, she saw an old hotel with plants and plant veins surrounding the hotel. she also saw some hypnotized men standing guard outside, " well, what do we have here? weird, out-of-place plants... check. mindless hypnotized henchmen... check. the oh-so-subtle order of rotting pumpkins. check. looks like I've found the entrance to ivy's lair." Catwoman said with a smile before she got closer to the lair and started to take out the henchmen outside. once they were dealt with she walks inside. 

as she walks inside, she saw plants, flowers, and giant flytraps around the room, and the strong smell of dirt and flowers hit Catwoman's noise. " hello? ivy? you here?" Catwoman called before a voice was heard, " you shouldn't have come here" the female voice said before some bushed moved away from a flower throne to reveal poison ivy sitting on it. " oh c'mon, you're not seriously going to hold that against me forever, are you?" Catwoman asks before ivy yelled out, " you killed them all."  Catwoman scoffs as she rolled her eyes and said, " They were just flowers, ivy. I'll buy you some new ones. I know a place that..." but then a plant vein wrapped around Catwoman's legs and pulled to down to the lower floor. Catwoman landed on the ground with a thud, he stood up and looked up to where ivy was and said, " c'mon, red. can't we just..." but then she hears something open, he looks and saw a giant flytrap open and a hypnotized man came out, " oh, for the love of...." Catwoman said to herself as she watched more men come out of the fly traps before they charged at Catwoman. she scratched one of them before she kicked him in the face as she called out to ivy, " hey, Pammy. here's an idea! if you want a boyfriend, how about trying the dating route? beats this voodoo crap". Catwoman then grabbed her whip and throws it making the whip wrap around a thug's let, Catwoman pulled the whip making the thug fall to the ground before she took him out with her foot. as Catwoman kept fighting the thugs, poison ivy said, " a billion micro-organisms will enter your bloodstream. spores will grow, replacing the blood in your veins, and when I'm done, your flesh will be replaced with bark." 

after Catwoman finished the last thug some gas surrounded her making her cough as she used her whip to lift her next to the floor above her, " are you done, red?" Catwoman asks as more thugs came out and started to attack as ivy said, " do you really think you can beat mother nature? I spent weeks perfecting the toxins that will destroy your pathetic mean sack of a body. " Catwoman finished taking out the last thug on that floor before she used her whip to pull her up to the last floor where ivy was sitting on her throne as Catwoman said, " are we done yet, ivy? I just want to talk. that's all." " if you're still breathing. it's not over" ivy said as more thugs came out of giant fly traps. " she's consistent. I'll give her that" Catwoman said to herself before she started to fight the thugs that charged at her, " you can't outrun nature, Selina. my spores will fill your lungs and kill you from within." ivy said as she watches Catwoman fight the men she had hypnotized. after Catwoman finished the last thug off she turns to ivy and said, " look, red. I just need your help" but ivy shook her head and made one of her vein's wrap around Catwoman's legs and lift her up in the air, " never" ivy said, " not again" Catwoman said to herself as she saw ivy stand up from her throne and walk towards Catwoman. " you've got some nerve, Selina" ivy said as Catwoman just crossed her arms and sighs, this was going to be a long night for her.  

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