Strange's Vault

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" Are we not done yet, ivy? I told you, that thing with the flowers wasn't my fault. you know it, I know it." Catwoman said as she was still hanging upside down as ivy sadi," you should have watered them. you said you would water them." ivy turned her back to Catwoman, " now there's only one left and strange has it, sealed in his vault." she said as Catwoman raised an eyebrow and got an idea. " well, I the case, I think we can strike a deal. I need a way into his vault and I think you're just the girl to help. if you get me in there, I'll get your plant. deal" Catwoman says as ivy turned back to Catwoman not believing what she says. " I should kill you," ivy said but Catwoman looked at her before ivy sighs and said, " fine!" Catwoman was dropped to the ground before standing up. " no kiss? I'm kind of disappointed" Catwoman said as she walked out of ivy's hideout, " out now!" ivy said. 

Catwoman made her way to the vault entrance as she saw some of poison ivy's veins that have smashed into the ground with some TYGER guards standing near them. " call it in" a guard said, " TYGER command. we're in sector 2. we were attacked. the vault is compromised. we believe the attacker was poison ivy. over" a TYGER guard said in his radio. " roger that TYGER 87. hold your position and await orders. over." a guard said over the radio. " affirmative.  set up a perimeter. protect the entrance." the TYGER said before Catwoman jumps down and started to attack them. once she dealt with them she smiled as she saw ivy's vines before she opens the sewer grate and goes down the ladder. 

 Catwoman started walking through the sewer before she saw more of ivy's veins and the entrance to strange base. " there're ivy's vines .... and there's the storage facility. nice work, red. time to get in there" Catwoman said before she walked into the confiscated good vault. she walked into the central room and saw the security camera. "  ok, there's the vault. looks like a standard 3 card security protocol. really, you'd think these people would have learned by now. hopefully, the keys are down there, deep in the pockets of those TGYER guards. " Catwoman said before she jumps to the ceiling and started to crawl above the guards. as she whispers to herself, " I'll need to be quick and stay out of sight. one wrong move and the failsafe will trigger and that vault will locked down: permanently". 

" protocol ten will commence in 10 minutes" 

Catwoman silently jumps down and pickpockets one of the guards before jumping back to the ceiling and started to find the next guard. she finds another guard and jumps down silently before pickpocketing the second guard before she jumps into a floor vent and found the last guard and finally jumps out of the vents and pickpockets him. " that's all the keys. next stop, the security room." Catwoman said to herself before she started making her way back to the security room. 

Catwoman made it back to the security room and started to place the key cards into the computer, once they were all placed in the computer the vault unlocks as the TYGER guards looked around in shock and confusion. " what's going on?" a guard asks n confusion, " someone's opening the vault " another replied from a distance. " is this a drill?" the guard asks. " if it is, no one told us. listen up! the room is hot. spread out and search for intruders. no prisoners. move!" 

Catwoman started silently taking out the TYGER guards before Catwoman hears the comms on the speakers, " this is TYGER 54. we have confirmation that target is ins the steel mill. I repeat: batman and nightingale are in the steel mill." " good. make it our first target. protocol ten will wipe, batman, nightingale and the joker from this earth" strange said. " target is set" TYGER guard said. " then let protocol ten commence." strange said. " understood. commencing in 3...2....1" the TYGER guard said before the room started to shake and the sound of explosions was heard from above as Catwoman finished the last thug before she walks into the vault with a smile. " looks like this kitten's got the cream" she said as she saw two silver breath cases on a desk next to the flower poison ivy spoke about. Catwoman walks towards the flower and picks it up, " try and tie me up in your plants, like hell" she said before she drops the plant on the ground making it plant pot shatter before she steps on it, " how does that feel, ivy?"

after Catwoman crushed the plant she walked towards the breath cases and opens one, she smiled at the item inside before she sensed someone was behind her. " it appears we have caught our intruder. teach her a lesson" strange said through the speakers as Catwoman closed the cases and turned to see TYGER guards behind her. she smiled as she charged at them and started to attack them as strange said, " oh, tonight just keeps getting better. batman and nightingale will soon be dead and now I have you too. miss kyle". Catwoman kicks a guard before she breaks his arm, she then turned to another guard and then used her whip. it wrapped around his neck before Catwoman pulled him towards her and then kicked him in the face knocking him out. after she dealt with the last thug, the speakers go off again. " all units. we have visual confirmation. the steel miss is it. batman and nightingale are down. I repeat: batman and nightingale are down" a TYGER guard said as Catwoman grabs the breath cases and began to walk out of the vault. " good. wait until protocol ten has completed and send out a squad to retrieve batman's and nightingale's body" strange sadi, " understood sir." 

as Catwoman walks out of the vault she saw a tv screen on the wall showing batman and nightingale trapped under stone and ash, she had a choice to make, save them or leave them. she looked at the doorway to Gotham city and said to herself, " you can do it. just walk right out of here and leave them. it's easy." she then turned to the doorway that she entered from, " you'll never forgive yourself, selina. save batman and nightingale then get out of here". she scoffs as she tried to think on what to choose, " it's not like they'll die, they're hero's right?" she said to herself before she finally made up her mind. " since when did you grow a conscience?" Catwoman asks herself before she dropped the breath cases and goes to save the heroes. " do I have to do everything around here? don't die, guys. I'm coming to save you" she said to herself as she ran through the collapsed corridor and into the sewer the entrance collapsed and was blocked. " great. see what I give up for you, guys. you'd better not be dead already." Catwoman said as she climbed up the sewer ladder to save the two heroes of arkahm and gotham city.

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