The Trials Of The Demon/ Freeze

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batman walks into the small room and saw a chalice sitting on a small table in front of him as the voice of Ra's al Ghul said," welcome, detective. I am the great Ra's al Ghul. before you lies your first demon trial. simply drink from the chalice. it is that simple." batman takes the chalice and started to drink the liquid from inside. batman started to feel normal before the room around him started to shatter and he found himself in some kind of desert world. " good. fell the blood of the demon course through your veins, restoring your health and twisting your will. " Ra's al Ghul said before his ghost appeared in front of batman, " your next task is simple. follow me through this world and the trail is complete. touch anything along the way and you will die" Ra's al Ghul said before he vanished. batman saw some kind of crystal iceberg in the distance and saw it was starting to slowly sink into the sand, batman jumps off the edge of the building and started to glide towards it before he landed on it as it stopped sinking and started to rise again. batman then looked around before Ra's ghost appears with his hand behind his back, " these tests will prove if you are strong enough to lead my forces. to save this world from the evil that is destroying it." Ra's al Ghul said before he vanished again. 

batman kept gliding towards the next point and landed on the iceberg before some ninjas appear out of nowhere and charged towards batman. batman started to fight them before he finished the last one off and then turned to face Ra's. " are you the one I have searched for, detective? the one to succeed me?" Ra asks before he vanished again and a wormhole appears below him. Batman looks down and realized he had to go through the wormhole, he takes a deep breath before he jumps and falls into the hole before landing in another world just like before. as he landed he looked up and saw Ra's in front of him again. " the blood of the demon had allowed me to love for 600 years. imagine the good that you could do with such a gift." Ra's said before he vanished again. 

batman then glided towards the next checkpoint and then ninjas appeared again. batman fought with them as Ra's spoke, "I can see that your body is becoming weaker. the small quantity that I have allowed you to drink will only keep you alive for a few more precious hours." Ra's said as batman finished the last ninja before he looked at Ra's, " it's time for you to make the ultimate decision.." Ra's said before vanishing. batman sighs before he glided to the next iceberg, as he landed on the ground he saw Ra's waiting for him again. " it is time to face me in person. complete this final challenge and the blood of the demon will give you the gift of eternal life." Ra's said before vanishing and a wormhole appears again below batman. Batman jumps down into the wormhole and his vision was blinded before he blinks and found himself back in the small room. 

" you have done well, detective. now, come and find me. collect your reward." Ra's said as his voice echoed around batman. batman calmed down before he left the small room and walked up the steps towards the chamber of the demon where he saw Talia and catlin waiting for him by the door. catlin saw batman walking towards them, she smiled and ran towards him before jumping into his arms. " you did it" catlin said with a smile as batman hugs her. he placed her back on the ground and said, " you sound surprised" catlin shakes her head with a smile, " of course not. I always had faith." catlin replied as she and her husband walk up to Talia. " it's good to see you made it, bruce" Talia said kindly as batman nodded his head before saying, " where's Ra's I need to see him now. I'm running out of Time" " your final challenge awaits you through this door. I pray the spirits will be kind" Talia said before opening the door. 

they walked in and saw Ra's al Ghul kneeling in front of the Lazarus pit. " welcome, detective. it is time for your final challenge." Ra's said as he stood up and turned to face them, " kill me, replace me as the head of the demon, and made catlin stand by your side, it is your destiny." Ra's said but batman shakes his head. " I will never kill. not even you." he said as Talia looked confused, " what? you lied to me! did you know?" Talia asks catlin who stood proud and tall as she said, " yes. bruce will never lead the assassins, Talia. while Bruce was doing the trials, I contacted Alfred and he explained everything to me." " I needed a sample of your father's blood. this was the only way." batman said as he still looked at Ra's. " allow me to help you" Ra's said before he stood his sword into the ground, " use my sword. take it all. " Ra's said but batman stood his ground, " no." he said, " and that is your final answer?" Ra asks before he chuckled as he took a step back towards the Lazarus pit before he fell into the pit. as his body sinks deeper into the water, lighting struck from wonder tower and hit's the Lazarus pit. catlin and batman stood their ground, ready to fight as they watched Ra's al Ghul walk out of the Lazarus pit, but he looked younger and stronger. once Ra's was out of the pit, he looked up at catlin and batman and said, " now, only one of us can leave this chamber alive." " we'll see about that." batman said as Ra's turned to Tallia and then looked at catlin. Talia turned to catlin, " you don't have to do this, sister. you and him can join us and become the family you always wanted" she said but catlin pulled up her hood and placed his black mask on. " I already have that family I want, Talia," she said as she took out her dagger before the room started to shake and sand started to flow through the roof before batman's vision went black. 

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