Penguin's Got Freeze

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as batman walked into the Gotham city police dept, he hears a voice coming from penguin's men as they were talking on the radio, " the joker's crew are still outside, Mr. Cobblepot" a thug said, " good. make sure it stays that way" penguin said as the thug nodded her head. " no problem." the thug replied before he placed his radio on his belt before turning to the other thugs around the room. batman grappled up to a vent above the thugs before crawling through the lent that leads to the main room of the G.C.P.D where he saw penguins thugs looking around for something, " listen up. the boss wants the place held tight. no one in or out. you see one of joker's crew, waste'em." a thug called out of his crew, " what about batman?" another thug replied, " Kill him too" the thug said with an evil smile, " just like that?" his friend asks, " just like that" the thug replied before walking off. 

as two thugs looked in a room for something, one of them asks his friend, " what does it look like?" " How should I know?" the thug replied, " so how will we know when we find it?" the thug's friend asks. but then the thug stood up and grabs his walk-talki and said, " we can't find it. it's not here" " let's get this straight. are you telling me that you are all so incompetent that you need me to come down there and help you search a room?" the thug shook his head, " uh, no, I mean-" he said but then penguin cuts him off. " well, it sounds like that's what you're saying," penguin said, " please, Mr cobblepot. I didn't mean it. we'll find it," the thug said as he tried not to get on penguin's bad side, " oh yeah. one last thing. I hear batman's coming your way, good luck." penguin said before letting out a laugh as the coms go silent. batman then started to take out the thugs once by once until he took out the last thug, then he hears a thug groan on the ground.  he walks towards him and placed his foot on the man's chest, " where's freeze?" batman said to the thug, " he's in the museum. penguin's got him" the thug said indirectly. " I'll have to cut that tongue out of your head, boy. I don't like people tellin' tales on me" penguin said over the radio as the thug shook his head as he defended himself, " no. I'm sorry, Mr cobblepot. he made me tell him" the thug said before batman knocked him out. 

" you can 'ave him, batman. I'm safe and sound here in my museum. try and get me if you like. I've got plenty of surprises ready for you if you do, starting right now." penguin said over the speakers before the building started to shake as a loud boom was heard from outside, " that doesn't sound good." batman said to himself. he started to make his way towards the exit when a gate slammed in front of him blocking his escape. batman sighs before he clicks his ear-peace, " hello, sir. have you retrieved the cure from mister freeze?" Alfred asks as batman shakes his head, " there were complications, penguin has got his hands on freeze and trapped me in the G.C.P.D building." batman replied. " you do realize that you will actually die if you don't get this cure soon." Alfred said in concern as batman rolled his eyes, " thanks for reminding me, Alfred. I'm in a police building. cobblepot's obviously bribed some official into giving him the lock codes for the municipal structures. I'm downloading the unlock codes right now."  batman replied before he started to download the codes from the bat computer. 

batman then hacks the door and the gate goes up before batman walks out the door to see the bridge had been blown up blocking him from making his way to the museum. " see. I told you it would work. blow the bridges and cut off the clown's forces, easy." penguin said over the radio, " but Mr. cobblepot, we're stuck too." a thug said, " so?" " We can't get back" the thug replied, " and you're point is?" penguin asks. " well, it's just... you've left us over here with the joker's crew," the thug said in worried as he looked around. " try to take some of them down before you die, son. hahaha!" penguin said before the coms went silent, " you bastard," the thug said as batman was making his way towards the museum, another voice call came in from the joker. 

" ring ring. I was just remembering when it first occurred to me. I was about 6 months after you and your birdie left me on that rooftop at the asylum. as the bones knitted back together, I had plenty f time to think. so how do you keep a secret from the world's greatest detective? well, do you know? it's easy. you stick it right in front of him. right under his long pointy nose and wait, ha-ha" 

batman made it to the museum where he saw some thugs outside the front door. he glided down and kicks one of them, knocking the thug to the ground before he started to fight the rest of the thugs. once they were dealt with he walks inside but noticed something attached to each side of the wall, he waved his hand over it and metal poles blocked his way. it was a motion detector and he had to shut it down, he grabs his remote hacking device and tried to hack the console but nothing was happening, something was jamming the signal to the Batcave.  " penguin must be using military-grade communication disruptors. the only way to crack this security is to destroy them." batman said before he started scanning for jamming signals and found three of them as he started to follow the signals. 

batman walks out of the museum and followed the signal of the first jammer and found it was on top of the museum itself. he goes and destroyed the jammer before the signal started to pinpoint the next jammer as penguin's coms went off, " what's going on out there? one of the jammers' signal's disappeared" penguin said in anger, " sorry, Mr. cobblepot. I don't know" one of this men replied, " well find out! and while you're doin' it. make sure the other jammer's safe or I'll find you and I'll stick what's left of it up your--" 

batman followed the signal and found another jammer nearby and destroys it too, and then he waits. then penguin's coms went off once more, " batman's done something to the jammers up top! where are the rest of you idiots" penguin said on the radio, " we've only just managed to get below ground. we're at the..." the thug said but penguin cuts him off by saying, " just set it up wherever you are, do it now! batman's probably on his way down there! understand!" " yes, sir, mister cobblepot." the thug replied before Batman jumps off the railing and started gliding down to the underground train station. he made it to the underground and saw two thugs guarding the entrance of the train station, " penguin sounded pissed." one of the thugs said, "  batman's been screwin' with his plans" the thugs friend replied " do those things even work underground? I read the manual, it never said anything about working underground" the thug asks. " yeah, they work" the thug's friend said as the thug shrugged his shoulder. " if you say so" he said. " since when have you been all about reading, anyway?" the thug said, " I read" his friend replied. " pron don't count" " screw you". then batman knocked both of the thugs out before he started making his way down to the subway tunnels,  but as he kept making his way down he saw a titan container. " that's was one of the titan contains joker had back at Arkham asylum. what is it doing here?" batman asks himself in confusion before he sprayed some explosive gel on it before exploding it. once he made it down the jammer he saw some thugs guarding it. he started taking out of the thugs once by once before he finished them off. once he was done with them, he goes and destroys the jammer. " that was the last jammer. I should be able to get into the museum now." batman said to himself before he started making his way out of the train station and above to the museum, but as he was making his way up penguin's voice came on the coms and he didn't sound happy, " what the hell is happening down there? hello? is someone going to answer me? I give you one simple task; stick up a couple of freaking machines, and what? you couldn't get that right? I hope batman broke every bone in your stupid bodies. I hope you are lying there, desperately trying to breathe through fractured ribs and punctured lungs. if you're not. you'd better summon up whatever strength you've got left and run, ' cause after I'm done with the bat, YOU'RE ALL NEXT!" 

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