The Courthouse/ The Church

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batman made it to the courthouse where he sneaks inside through the balcony. he walked down the hallway before he came to the courtroom where he saw a group of Arkham inmates watching two-face as he stood next to a pool of acid with something hanging above it. Batman couldn't tell what that thing was but for now, he hid and listened as two-face who was twirling his coin in between his fingers as he spoke to himself. " the only way to get by in this place is to get ourselves some respect. fear. that's how we get respect. show them all how we do things. we should be fair, though. this is a place of justice, after all. screw justice. kill her and they'll all fear us. " two-face said before turning to the crowd of criminals. " bring out the defendant!" he said before the peace of fabric dropped in the acid-revealing Catwoman hanging upsidedown over the acid tank. " you certainly know how to keep a girl hanging, harv. hey, have you had some work done?" Catwoman said making two-face angry, he slaps her before saying, " that's for stealing from us. no one steals from us!" Catwoman just gave a small smile before she said in a kind tone, " I'm sorry. I've been a bad kitty. untie me and I can make it up to you" Catwoman said as two-face turned to her before saying, " let's see if the coin thinks you're telling the truth". he hen flips the coin in the air as it spins before he catches it in his hand and slaps it on top of his other hand. as he removed his hand to see what the coin said, he saw that it was on the clean said. he sighs before saying to the crowd, " this court is now in session" the crowd cheers as two-face walked to the judge's table before banging a gabble on the table as he tried to get the crowd's attention. " order in the court. order, order!" two-face said but then he grabs his gun and fired it in the air making the crowd settle down. " that's more like it. Welcome, people of Arkham city. it's good to see so many new faces in the crowd. fresh faces for the gang. today we present each of you with an exciting new opportunity. two opportunities. to join with us. to create a new force in Arkham... and take this place for ourselves! when the clown dies, we will own this town! We will RULE this town! or you can just leave now. and we will hunt you down and kill you all! but let's no dwell on the negative. let's have some fun!" as two-face was talking to the crowd, batman climbed to the higher part of the room and saw a sniper in front of him, he knew that taking out the thug with the gun was the key so he could deal with the rest of the thugs in the room. he takes out the thug quietly as two-face looked at Catwoman and said to the crowd, "fate delivered a gift to us tonight.  a gift that will show everybody that we mean business. and you, ladies and gentlemen of the jury, will be part of it. help us decide of we should kill the bitch who tried to steal from us. or let her go to do it again! like hell we will." once batman took out the gunman silently he looked down to see how many thugs there were in the room as he hears two-face say, " there are two sides to every story. let's hear hers before passing judgment. Nah! let's kill her and be done with it. so what will it be, distinguished members of the jury? is the bitch guilty? or should we let her go steal from someone else? " " objection! isn't that a leading question, Harvey?" Catwoman asks before two-face turned to her and said in anger, " silence in my court!" Catwoman smiled as she said, " let me go, boys. I've got places to go, people to see." two-face rolled his eyes not believing her. " more like, things to steal. maybe I should just cut both your hands off... or maybe we should wait for the verdict? yeah, yeah.whatever you say. I'm hoping for a hung jury anyway". 

than batman jumped down and landed on top of a thug, knocking him out. " it's batman!" a thug yelled out before he and his friends started running of as batman looked around to see some of two-face's thugs come charging towards him while other Arkham city inmates started running out of the courthouse. " our friend's Batman has arrived. grab him and cut him in two!" two-face said before he aimed his gun at batman but missed as batman jumped out of the way as he kept fighting thugs, " hold still batman" two-face said in anger as he reloaded his weapon. " hey, big guy!" Catwoman called to batman who turned to face her, " Any chance you can stop playing with those idiots and help me out here?" she asks as batman just looked at her and said, " I'm a little busy here, Catwoman" but then a thug grabs him from behind, but batman jumped over the thug before smashing the thugs face in the ground knocking him out as two-face fired his gun by missed again. " damint!" Two-face yelled out in frustration. batman finished off the last thug by breaking the man's arm before turning to face two-face, " objection" two-face said as he aimed his gun at batman who ran towards him, he fired his gun and the bullet his batman's chest sending him to the ground in pain. " overruled" two-face said before walking up to Catwoman and aimed his gun at her head as he asks, " heads or tails, kitty cat?" " which one gets me out of here alive?" Catwoman asks as two-face flips his coin and caught it in his hand. he looks at the coin to see it was the dirty side, " not this one. time to die" he said, I vote for a stay of execution." Catwoman said as she gets free of her bounds as scratches two-face's check before landing on the side of the acid tank as she looked down a two-face who was on the floor, " no gun, harv? shame. this is gonna hurt" Catwoman said as she gets out her iron claws. " two guns, bitch!" two-face said as he got out another gun and aimed it at Catwoman. 

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