Heart Of Ice

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batman and nightingale got a location to finding Nora fries, she was located somewhere around the steel mill all that had to do was find her. batman and nightingale were looking around the steel mill. batman saw a small building and knocked on the door as a thug opens the peek slot. " yeah? what do you... oh, god. there's nothing to see in here. you should go away" the thug said before closing the slot. batman turned to nightingale, " we need to get in that building" he said before they started to look for a way inside. 

they searched for a good half hour until nightingale saw a weak wall on the outside of the steel mill. nightingale walks towards it before spray expensive gell on it before making it explode as batman turned and saw the hole in the wall. " guess we found a way in" he said with a smile before they saw a vent above them and grappled inside. 

as they crawled through the vent, they saw some thugs surrounding Nora fries as she was frozen in a tank, nightingale nodded her head before they both jumped out of the vent and took out a thug together. they started fighting the thugs before finishing off the last thug. nightingale goes to check Nora before smiling and turning to batman, " she's safe. we need to tell freeze." she said. 

batman and nightingale made it back to the old G.C.P.D and saw freeze still sitting on the ground. nightingale walks up to him with a warm smile, " we found her, freeze. she's safe" nightingale said as freeze looked up at her. " Nora. where is she?" freeze asks as batman walked next to nightingale, " she was locked up in warehouse 5B in the Falcone shipping yard." batman said as nightingale nodded her head, " she's safe, victor. you can got to her." she said. 

freeze slowly stood up, " thank you, batman, nightingale. I doubted you two. I am sorry," he said. " it's okay, victor." nightingale said before she and batman walked away. but then nightingale's gauntlet started to beep, she clicked it and saw a map of Arkham with a batgirl symbol located somewhere near the museum. " oh no" nightingale said as batman looked at the map and gripped his fist, " what did she do this time?" batman asks himself before they went after the one person they knew was batgirl. 

(Y/N) Wayne 

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