Final Battle

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batman and nightingale were making their way towards the movie theater as the TYGER comms go off, " all air units report in. cease attack and return to base immediately. repat, return to base immediately." the TYGER guard said before the comms went silent. 

batman and nightingale made it to the movie theater and saw snipers around the building. batman and nightingale went their separate way and started to take out snipers silently, " hellooo" batman! you can hear me, right? it's just, you don't seem to be coming to the movie theater and I'd hate for you to read the spoilers on the internet again." joker called out as he let out an evil chuckle. nightingale came behind a sniper before she silently takes him out as she aimed her tranquilizer dark glove at another sniper and fired a dark his neck as he fell to the ground knocked out. " well, this is just rude. I've laid on all this entertainment at the movie theatre and you can even be bothered turning up. " joker said in anger as batman silently takes out a sniper from above joker and Talia before he dealt with the other sniper next to him.  nightingale took out another sniper before she saw joker grab Talia and take her into the movie theater, " Talia" she whispers to herself as joker said, " I'll see you soon BYEEEE!". 

batman saw the last remaining sniper at the entrance and looked at nightingale was in front of him on another rooftop. he nodded to her before they both dropped on the two thugs and took them out, " why are you two taking so long? oh, hold on. oh, get it. you two want me to off this annoying woman, right? ha! I mean, she does go on a bit with all that I am the great blah, blah, mystical mumbo jumbo. I tell you what. I'll do it but you owe me, ok?" joker said over the speakers before nightingale ran into the movie theater as batman followed. 

they walked in to see all the theater seats had been removed and joker was with Talia on stage with a gun to her head, " Talia!" nightingale said in worry as she was about to get her, but Batman stops her. " hurry up and take your seat. the show's about to begin." joker said, " let's just talk about this." batman said he still held nightingale back as joker laughter a little. " now you want to talk? too late, batman!" joker said as he pointed the gun at Talia's head, " give me the cure!" joker said. " but you've already fo the cure!" nightingale yelled out in anger. but then Talia broke out of her ties and takes the sword from jokers hip before stating him with it before she pushed joker off the stage, the sword still in his back. batman and nightgale stood there as Talia jumps off the stage and dusted off her hands as nightingale pulled down her mask. " problem solved." she said before nightingale walks up to her and hugged her, " I'm glad to see your okay. but you didn't need to" catlin started but Talia lets go of the hug and said, " why? you and bruce would never do it. you left me no choice. " Talia said as batman walks up and said, " there's always a choice." 

Talia then takes the cure out of her pocket and showed it to them, " I had to save you, for my sister. Harley Quinn stole it from him. I took it back." Talia said as batman and nightgale looked at joker's body, " it's over" Talia said as catlin smiled at her sister before looking back at her husband. but something wasn't right, batman thinks for a moment before everything flooded to him in his mind. 

" surprise!" 

" Oh, mister J, you look perfect" 

" ring, ring. so how do you keep a secret from the world's greatest detective, well fo you know? you stick right in front of him. right under his long pointy nose... and wait" 

" yeah, joker wants you to think he's sick, then wham! got you." 

" you fell for the old fake Joker gag batman" 

" Talia!" batman yelled out as he stood up, then a gunshot was heard. Talia gaps in pain as catlin gaps in horror, " NO!" she said as she watched her sister as she lied her on the ground. catlin tried to hold her tears as she heard the joker's laughter behind her, " I'm sorry, dear sister. I didn't know." Talia said as she took her last breath and her hand falls to the ground as the cure slips out and rolled to the floor. nightingale cried louder more as batman looked behind him to see the real joker standing above them on the balcony, " encore! more! bravo!" he said as he clapped his hand with a gun in on hand before he coughed. " it was never you" batman said in anger as catlin still held her sister as tears fell down her face. " not always. well, sometimes. confusing, isn't it? I know I'd want to know just what the hell is going on if I were you two. let's just say, at times like these it's important to keep up appearances" joker said as he coughed as tried to gasp for air from time to time. " but first if you two would be so kind. hand. over. my .cure" he said as he aimed his gun at the heroes. 

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