Fragile Alliance

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as batman and nightingale were on a rooftop of Arkham city, nightingale hears a radio comm go off, " TGYER 5, to command. we a visual on a distress flare on the east Arkham district." the TGYER guard said over the comms. nightingale turned to batman and he nodded his head and they started to make their way towards the distressed flare. they found the distress flare on top of the rank Co. toys building, nightingale raised an eyebrow before she and batman landed in front of the building. " who do you think sent out the flare?" nightingale asks, " don't know. let's go find out" batman said as he opens the door letting nightingale walk in first before following. 

they walked into a large room and saw a big man in front of them, he had pipes going through his body and was wearing a mask on his face, they knew this person back in Arkham asylum. it was bane." surprised to see me, batman," bane said as he turned to face the heroes, batman shrugged his shoulders before replying. " a little. last time I saw you. you were wrapped around the hood of my car." " you know it would not kill me," bane said as nightingale stood next to batman with her arms crossed, " he wasn't trying to. we're in no mood to fight. what are you doing here?" she asks, " doctor young TITAN formula. the payaso managed to send dome off Arkham island before you two stopped him, " bane said as nightingale looked at batman," what?" she said in confusion before batman looked at bane and asks, " how much more did joke manage to get off the island?" " too much, that is why I am here. I will not allow the basura of this city to abuse the TITAN. dr young used me to create it. it is my duty to destroy what remains." bane replied. 

batman and nightingale knew something wasn't right as they looked at each other before nightingale nodded her head, " we'll help you, but understand this: if you try anything. we're taking you down too. we find TITAN containers: we destroy them, deal?" batman said as bane chuckled a bit before nodding his head, " oh course. each container has a radio beacon built-in. there twelve containers left in this city. we take si each, then we meet back here" bane said, " we're already ahead of you bane, we destroyed two containers earlier. we'll deal with the rest" ngihtingale sadi as she uncrossed her arms and began to walk away with batman, but then batman stops in his track and turned to bane, " today isn't a good day to lie to us, bane. remember that" he said before walking out of the building. 

 as the door closed behind them and the Arkham city wind hit's their skin, nighitngale turned to batman saying, " Bruce, I don't trust bane. he's up to something" batman nodded his head as he walked in front of her, " I agree, but for now. let's play his game. there's four TITAN containers left in Arkham, you take two, I'll take two." he said, " okay. meet back here when it's done" nightingale said before she kissed batman and then jumps off the roof and started making her way to find the TITAN containers. 

after a while, batman and nighitngale found the last remain TITAN containers near the museum, in wonder tower, the steel mill, and wonder city. batman landed in front of the rank Co. toys building where he saw nighitngale leaning on a wall as she tried to stay warm due to the cold wind. she heard the sound of a leather cape in front of her and turned to see batman walking towards her, " batman. did you find the TITAN containers?" she asks as batman nodded his head as he wrapped his arms around her as he hugged her, " I did." he said before letting go of the hug and they both walked back into the building to see bane waiting for them near a room that was sealed shut. " we've destroyed the container, bane" batman said as bane nodded his head, " good, now we..." but then some of joker's thug came running in, " give us the TITAN, bane" a thug said as they surrounded bane, nightingale and batman. " help me, heroes. we must not allow these puppets to take the TITAN!" bane said before he charged at them. 

batman and nightingale started to fight the thugs as bane charged and punched the thugs to the ground, he then charged again at a thug as batman and nightingale jumped out of the way before finished off the last thug. batman sighs before turning to bane, " as I was saying. we've destroyed mine. I take it you've done the same" batman said as bane nodded his head. " in a manner of speaking, yes. " bane said as she clicked a button on the wall making the gate open to reveal more TITAN containers. " TITAN is too powerful to be used against me. I needed it all for myself. now do me a favor, and die!" bane yelled out before he charged at batman and nightingale. they jumped out of the way as bane ran into another room before nightingale throw's a Batarang at the bottom and the gate closed on bane. " no!" bane said in anger as batman and nightingale stood up. " I knew we couldn't trust you, bane. so we used you instead." nightingale said as bane looked at her in confusion, " what?" he asks in anger as nighitngale nodded to batman and he started to walk towards the TITAN containers. " simple. you rounded up the remaining TITAN. now, we can destroy it." ngihtingale said as she turned to see batman spraying the last TITAN containers before making them all explode. " NO!" bane cried in anger. " we warned you, bane," batman said as he walked up to the gate, " free me" bane begged, nighitngale shakes her head. " no you'll get out, eventually. we're too busy to keep fighting you"  batman said as he started to walk away, nightingale then saw a green teddy bear with a missing eye, she picked it up and placed it in front of bane's gate with a smile before leaving. 

another mission completed, but I won't be the last. 

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