Chapter 24

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Later that night Jessa pulled Jack aside because of how distant he was acting.

"Hey, are you ok? You've been quiet." She asked.

"I know, I just feel bad. I know I was the worst out of all of us." Jack looked at his toes.

"I told you before that I needed a little push in the right direction, and you were the only one bold enough to say anything. I know all of you were thinking it. We're good, I promise." Jessa pulled him in for a quick hug before going up to bed.

The next morning, in a groggy daze, Jessa was shaken from her sleep by the rustle and bustle of her normal life. She shuffles downstairs to the kitchen slowly. Her eyes still adjusting to the light. It felt nice to be back at home. 

Home. She's never called it that before, but I guess that's how it feels now.

"Hey, you have to get ready. We have a promotional photoshoot for the tour in less than an hour." Daniel passed by her casually.

"And no one thought to tell me?" She paused.

"Well, I just did," He started. "Oh, ya, also management wanted a more experienced photographer there too, so you're not actually taking the pictures. We just thought you would like to come and watch."

"Really?" Jessa asked pleased. "Ok." She smiles before leaving to get ready.

Once they got there they were all introduced to the photographer. He was a tall man, well aged, perhaps mid 40s. He had shining grey hair with a matching beard. His name was David.

As the shoot went on, Jessa helped the boys with wardrobe and the smaller details before they out to the camera. The five of them lined up on set, but before any pictures were taken Jessa was out there straightening out their clothes. She went to each of them, and lastly Jack.

"You're excited aren't you?" He smiled at her.

"Very." Her cheeks flushed red.

"I can tell. You're beaming." He paused. "More than usual."

"Thanks, JJ." She said before backing behind the camera.

"You really have a strong eye." David said. "Mine went away with old age. I could use a fresh eye like yours around more often."

"I'll take any chance I can get in this industry." Jessa looked to him.

He laughed lightly before returning to his job. 

From the other side of him, the art director shouted directions to everyone. Jessa watched mindfully while the work was done.

That night Jessa was up late making a snack in the kitchen. In the midst of the silence she heard the soft patter of footsteps. Suddenly Jack stood next to her. His eyes were squinted and he rubbed his face and groggily said, "What are you doing?"

"Making a snack." she said plainly.

"Sounds about right." Jack chuckles before turning around and heading for the fridge.

"Next time you come downstairs to someone in the kitchen in the middle of the night, consider putting some clothes on." Jessa laughs referring to his bare boxers. 

Jack smiles mischievously. "What? You don't like it?" He moves closer to her.

"Go to bed, Jack." She laughs lightly.

"Not without you." He slides his arms around her waist from behind.

"You have to work tomorrow, you should get some sleep." 

"I'll be waiting." He smiles and walks off.

Moments after, Zach emerges from the shadows.

"What was that all about?" He asked.

"Just Jack being Jack. You know how he gets when he's tired." She sat down at the table.

"You ok?" He asked.

Jessa took a deep breath in. "Ya, just hungry."

"Can't sleep?" He assumes.

"No, you?"

"Nah, it's been so hectic lately." he replied.

"And it's not going to end any time soon, so you should get some sleep." Jessa took the first bite of her snack.

"You should too." He looks at her.

"I will," she started. "When I'm done eating."

And with a quick 'ok' Zach heads back upstairs.

As she said, Jessa went back upstairs when she was done eating. She stared into the darkness of her room, unsuccessfully being able to fall a sleep for a while before hearing a quiet knock on the door. Jack's curls pop in through the door frame. 

"I was waiting." He smirked.

"Jack-" Jessa started but she was cut off.

"I'm just kidding. I was just thinking that neither of us could sleep so it might be nice to have someone around." His look was sincere.

Jessa sighed. "Hop in."

She open her covers for him and her crawls in. He wraps his arms around her and she snuggles closer into his chest.

After a while of silence, "Why does this feel right?" Jack mumbled, holding her tighter.

"I don't know." she looked up at him.

They both stare at each other for a moment before leaning in. After a few short kisses Jack makes his way on top of her and leans down to passionately kiss her.

Suddenly, there was a faint knock on the door before Zach popped in. "Are you still aw-" he cut himself off. "Oh, sorry." He panicked before leaving.

Jack saw the worry on Jessa's face and fell back to her side. "Don't worry," he grazed his finger over her cheek. "It was just Zach, he'll understand."

"You think?" 

"Of, course. Just relax." He said softly, pulling her in again.

They quickly drift off to sleep together.

Author's Note

Hey guys, I just wanted to pop in and say thanks for 1k reads! I know it may seem like I have abandoned this story, but I haven't. I've just been busy and lazy, but summer is upcoming, so lets hope for the best. I have a few plans for the future of this story, but if you guys want something to happen you can for sure let me know. I am open to suggestions. 


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