Chapter 25

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The next morning, Corbyn, Jonah, and Daniel were feeling particularly mischievous, preparing for their prank video.

"Let's hope Jessa like her little welcome home present." Jonah laughs.

"let's just get this over with so we can go to Disney Land please." Corbyn urges them.

"Alright, you ready?" Jonah asked Daniel, he nodded.

Slowly, Jonah wrapped his hand around the door handle a opened it with a small creek. They all covered their ears as Daniel pressed the blow horn and a large wail filled the room. Jack and Jessa shoot up from the bed, leaving the other three left, stunned.

Jessa's eyes shot open and she fell back down to the bed at the realization of what the guys just saw. Jack, on the other hand, wasn't fully competent yet.

"What the hell, guys?" He growled, rubbing his eyes.

Without words, the three of them shuffled out awkwardly.

Jessa sighed aggressively. "Hey, it's ok, it's just the guys. They'll understand." He falls back down next to her.

"Jack, they were recording." she pointed out.

"You need to stop worrying, it will all be fine."

The rest of them were chatting about what they just saw.

"Sooo, what was that?" Jonah dragged out.

"How long have they been sleeping together?" Corbyn asked.

"We don't know for sure that they are actually sleeping together." Jonah said.

"I mean, Jack was basically naked, and Jessa wasn't modest either. They were in the same bed last night, I think it's safe to assume." Daniel said.

"You know," Zach joined in. "I accidentally walked in on them last night and Jack was on top of her." 

Silence fell when Jack entered the room. 

"Soooo..." Corbyn dragged out.

"'so' what?" Jack looked at him.

"You and Jessa. Did you guys hook up last night?" Corbyn asked flatly.

Jack walked to the fridge and grabbed a drink, "look, we didn't hook up, ok. We were just laying together because neither of us could sleep."

"That's  not what I saw." Zach mumbled under his breath.

"Fine, we kissed, ok. It was the first time, ok." Jack was getting frustrated.

"You were on top of her!" Zach yelled, standing up from his chair. "That wasn't 'just a kiss!'"

"Dude, we didn't have sex, I don't know how I can get that through your head!" Jack set his cup on the table.

Daniel was still skeptical. "What do you want up to believe. We walked in on you naked in her bed."

"I wasn't naked, I was wearing boxers, you all know that's how I sleep." Jack ran his fingers through his hair.

"Are you guys at least dating?" Jonah asked.

"I don't know, we having really talked about it yet. It all just happened last night. We didn't really have time." Jack explained.

Zach rolled his eyes. "Oh, but you had time to stick your tongue down her throat."

"Hey!" Jack pointed at him aggressively before getting distracted by Jessa walking in. "hey." He said calmly. "Can we talk?"

Jessa nodded and they headed into the other room.

"There was some yelling I heard." Jessa said awkwardly.

"Ya, they were talking about happened last night. And I was wondering too. What are we?" He asked.

"I don't know, what do you want us to be?" She looked down and blushed.

He laced his fingers around hers. "I want us to be together, like the perfect couple."

"I'd like that." She smiled, pressing their foreheads together.

She kissed his lightly before he grabbed her by the waist and pulled her in for another.

"If you guys do this at Disney Land, we're kicking you from the group!" Corbyn yelled from the other room.

"The two of them chuckled before returning to the rest of them and getting ready to leave.

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