chapter 4

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Brad, James, and Connor could see Jessa and Tristan in their video.

"Aww, look at the love birds!!" Brad points them out to the viewers.

"Hey guys, I think we should get going." Connor yells to them.

Jessa and Tristan walk back to them and they head out to the car. As they are driving the conversation starts.

"So, are you two together yet?" Brad asks.

Tristan grabs Jessa's hand. "Ya" They smile.

They eventually arrive and set up. They took pictures and admired the view.

Conner, James, and Brad walk over to the car, putting the last of the equipment in the trunk.

"We should leave them out here alone for a while." Connor says.

"Like, just take the car and drive away?" James asks.

"Ya, see what happens." He shrugs.

"Let's go, before they notice." Brad says as they hop in the car to drive away.

Tristan and Jessa look back to find that their car is gone, along with Tristan's fellow band members.

"Ummm, what do we do now?" Jessa asks.

"We just have to wait, they will be back in a little bit." Tristan says, sitting down on a bench overlooking the view.

"So, they so this a lot?" Jessa takes a seat next to him.

"No, just when they really want something." Tristan wraps his arm around her and pulls her closer.

As the sun went down, it got colder and Jessa was getting goosebumps. "Oh, you're cold. Take my jacket." Tristan says, sliding it off and putting it around her shoulders.

He reassumes his position and pulls her close.

As they are still out, the WDW boys start to get nervous.

"It's 10 o'clock, where is she?" Jonah the mom says.

They all begin to spam text her until they get a reply.

"Oh, she's texting back!" Zach shouts.

They all crowd around Zach as he read off the message. "Calm down, I'm staying with Tris tonight. Winkey face." His eyes go wide.

"Is she-"

They all spam her once again saying things like "Jessa, you're too young!", "You just met him!", and "have some respect for yourself."

All they get back is "I really feel something with Tristan, it's like we've know each other forever."

Zach starts paseing. "I cannot believe this. She is our little girl."

"Let's calm down." Daniel starts. "It might not be what we think it is."

"What else could it be?!" Jonah challenges.

"I don't know, but let's keep our options open." Daniel says.

While they were freaking out they didn't realize that it wasn't Jessa texting them, it was Brad, Connor, and James.

"I can't believe they bought that!" Connor says them all dying of laughter.

"They are really overprotective." James points out.

"It's almost like she has 5 older brother." Brad points out. "I wonder what they 're doing now."


"Wait! We can find out where she is because snapchat has that creepy map feature." Jack says.

"I'll get the keys." Jonah says as the rest start to get into the car. Jack begins to hum the Sherlock theme song as they head over.

They reach the building and knock on the door. Brad answers. "Oh hey guys come on in." He welcomes and they all walk in where Connor and James are.

"Is Jessa here?" They ask.

"Oh ya, her and Tristan are in his and my room, but I don't think you want to go in there right now. If you catch my drift." Connor says with a wink.

They all cringe at the thought.

"If we are quiet enough, we could probably hear the bed squeaking." James says. 

"That's disgusting."

"Do you guys encourage this?" Daniel asks disgusted.

"Of course we do. They're in love." Brad says before James, Connor and him all break down laughing.

"What's so funny?" Jack questioned.

"You guys are so gullible." Connor says.

"It's just a prank." James laughs.

"Ya, they aren't doing it, and they are not planning on it. It was all us. Even the texts." Brad explains.

They all let out a sigh.

"Wait. Then where are they?" Jack asks.

"Oh, ya. About that..." the Vamps say.

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