Chapter 23

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"I'm sure they will come to their senses after they realize how helpless they are without you." Jake smiled.

Both of them step into London's, all too familiar, apartment and set her stuff down in the guest bedroom. The walls were light gray with blush and white furniture accents.

"I cleaned for you, I hope you know." London crosses her arms.

"I think you at least owe her that." Jake jokes.

"Oh, Jessa, I haven't told you how sorry I am about that night. I really thought you two were all over each other, I just wanted to play cupid." London begs.

"Don't worry about it, it's ok," Jessa says softly.

"You know," Jake starts. "You never apologized to me."

London rolls her eyes at him. "I owe you nothing."

It was quiet for a moment, as they recognized the uneasy look on Jessa's face.

"You know," London starts. "Jake has been through something really similar. After his parents divorced a few years ago, he became a classic case of daddy issues. He went around rubbing his hands on ever girl he could find."

"Woah, I think you're being dramatic. And besides, why are you telling a story about me, I'm right here." Jake wrinkled his eyebrows.

"Fine, then you tell her." London folded her arms.

"Ok, I will." He paused. "When my parents divorced, my dad didn't want me at all. He just gave full custody to my mom willingly. I wanted to know I was wanted, so I guess I thought that if a few girls wanted me, it would make me feel better."

"A few?" London raised her eyebrows.

"Shut up." He looked from London to Jessa. "the point is, whatever you think you're doing wrong, I've probably done worse. And hey, I've recovered pretty well."

"Thanks guys. That's good to know." Jessa smiled.

Meanwhile, the boys were planning on a way to get her back.

"Jess, wake up!"

Jessa groaned.

"Seriously, you have to see this!" London dragged her to the floor.

In a morning blur, they made their way to London's living room.

"Did you leave the radio on? What's that noise?" Jessa asked.

"It's out here." London opened the door of the balcony and the sounds that Jessa was hearing finally clear to a clean strum of guitar and harmonies melting together.

Jessa lays her eyes on her five roommates, standing on the sidewalk below London's apartment. Suddenly, the dots began connecting and Jessa's brain was waking up.

They go line by line, alternating the singer, as the song continues. A crowd begins to gather, phones are recording, the street is buzzing. This song was for her, about her. From the balcony, she could see the hope in their eyes.

When the song is over, the whole street goes silent. They are waiting for Jessa to speak.

"Really, guys? 7 am? You couldn't have waited till like 10?"

The tension was high, but it faded away with the faint laughter of Jessa, finally smiling at the boys below her.

"Get up here, guys." London invites them.

As they pile in, a plethora of apologies escape their mouths.

"Guys, it's ok. I just need some time to think some things through, and things were a little too hectic at the house to really think. I didn't leave because I thought you guys did something wrong, I left because you were right. When Jack pointed out that my business was slowing down because of all the drama, a flip went off in my brain. I have so much to learn right now. If I'm going to grow and get to where you guys are, I have to know the business of marketing. I'm realizing that my image matters, and I thought that London could help me because models and photographers work together every day. I'm sorry if I worried you guys, I just had my mission and I had to do it, but I'm coming back." Jessa explains.

"Jessa, you have nothing to be sorry for, we understand," Jonah says.

"Ya, I'm just glad we are all ok again," Daniel adds.

"When are you coming back?" Zach asks.

"Hmmm, I don't know, maybe... today?" She twirls her hair dramatically.


"So, did you learn anything?" Corbyn asks when they get in the car,

"Of course. I wouldn't be here right now if I didn't." Jessa scoffs.

The conversation continued as they caught up from the few days they were away, but Jessa couldn't help but notice how quiet Jack was being. She couldn't help but feel like something was different with him.

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