Chapter 14

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She didn't know where she was, where she was going, or where she came from, but at this point she didn't care. She had to get away from him, she couldn't bare to see his face, not that she could see anything right now with her eyes blurred with tears. She stopped into a local coffee shop and waited in line. When she got to the counter the girl behind it asked her what she could get for her.

"Uhh, can I have, uhh, some raspberry tea, please?" Jess said.

"Coming right up. That will be 3 dollars."

As Jess was rifling through her pockets she raised she didn't have her wallet.

"I'm so sorry, I don't have my wallet." She stuttered, the cashier looked at her with pity.

"It's ok sweetie, it's on the house."

"Thank you so much."

Jessa sat down with her tea and was about to text the boys, then realizing with her wallet was her phone. She had nothing, and she had a job to do during the concert.

What could she do now, though?

She finishes her tea and once she is calm she gives the barista a quick thank you then continues on her way.

Step after step Jessa makes her way down the street, looking at windows, and buying nothing. She walks up and down the streets many times, up to a point where the store owners begin to give her dirty looks.

She then starts back to the bus, thinking it couldn't be that complicated of a way considering she made it in such a jumbled mindset.

By the time she gets back it is nearly dark, and the boys aren't yet back from performing.

She expects that she won't be continuing in their tour after the way she acted, so she began to pack her bags. Before she was nearly done the screaming fans grew louder as the door opened and the band walked in to see her standing there. She new that eventually they had to come back to the bus, but no matter how she prepared, she wasn't ready for it.

They all devour her in a hug, and the last to release was Tristan. "Why did you do that?" He exclaims.

Jessa pushed him away. "You hurt me. I've been trying to prove my loyalty to you for months, but no matter what I did, you couldn't trust me. When I saw you sleeping in the couch I lost it. I think we both know that, despite our feeling for each other, we can't continue like this. I think its time we call this off."

Tristan's eyes became pink as small tears formed in his eyes. "But-, I-, we-" He couldn't get his words out. "What about the tour?"

"You really think that after what I did they are going to let me continue on tour with you guys? That's crazy."

"You never know, they might understand." He argues.

"Understand what? I let my feelings blind me. What I did was totally unprofessional. I just hope I won't leave on bad terms with you guys."

"Never." Brad joined in.

"We all understand." James says.

Once again they all join together in a hug.

"Jessica?" Their manager walks through the door.

"Yes?" She replies.

"May I have a word?" The manager asks. Jessa nods her head and walks out with their manager.

"I can't believe Jessa is leaving the tour." Connor said.

"I can't believe it was my fault." Tristan sat down. "What have I done? She was like the best thing that happened to me and I ruined it."

"Don't blame yourself, you were in a tough spot." James comforted.

Soon after Jessa returns alone. "Well?" Brad asks.

"I leave first thing tomorrow morning."

"Let's at least go out for a big dinner to say good bye." James offers.

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