chapter 8

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Before London and Logan left she took a picture of Jessa and Jonah with the comment 'relationship goals' and tagged them. Her millions of fans saw the picture and had their own questions about Jessa and Jonah's relationship.

The next morning after Jessa woke up she got a load of notifications asking if her and Jonah were dating.

'This isn't the first picture of #Jonica. Just the other day Daniel posted a pic of them sleeping together on a couch.' One of most liked comments said.

Many others say things like, 'they're so cute together!' Or 'she's not good enough for Jonah."

Jessa didn't think much about this, she thought it should be gone in about a week.

She got a text from Tristan. 'Can we talk? Meet me at Starbucks in an hour.'

She knew this was going to be about her and Jonah, as #Jonica was trending.

She put on a loose, striped button up and jeans. She put on a golden necklace and matching bracelets. Once she was all ready she was heading out the door.

When she got down the stairs the guys needed to talk

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When she got down the stairs the guys needed to talk.

"Hey, before you go we need to talk about the #Jonica thing." Jonah says.

"Actually I have to go do that with Tris." Jessa said with a sigh, grabbing her keys.


"Ya, later. We have to hash this out." She said leaving.

As she opened the door to leave she let out a deep breath she didn't realize she was holding.

She took her sweet time driving to Starbucks knowing that anyone who wasn't her would over react to the situation. Finally she arrives and sees an anxious looking Tristan standing in front of the door. As Jessa walks over Tristan's face formed into a smile.

"Hey." He breaths.

Jessa put a guilty grin on her face with a quick "Hey."

"By your face I can tell you know what this is about." He chuckles.

"Look, there really is nothing going on between Jonah and I." Jessa said as she took Tristan's hand in hers.

"And I believe you. Let's get some coffee and we'll talk." He said guiding her inside.

They ordered then found a seat. "Ok, so here's the thing," Tristan starts. "This whole situation does make me a little nervous, I'm not going to lie, but it brought to light that we are still new to each other. We've only known one another for a few days, and I want to be around you all the time, but I'm on tour right now. Don't get me wrong, I trust you with all my heart, but I can't leave you alone with those guys for another 3 months. I still feel like you have some chemistry Jonah or even Zach. There's something about the way he looks at you. And I know I sound like a jealous boyfriend when I say this, but I want all to myself at this point. I can't stands being away from you." He rambles.

"What are you saying?" Jessa chuckles.

"Will you go on tour with me? As our official photographer, you'll get paid and everything." Tristan asks nervously.

"Oh, Tristan. I would love to, but I'll have to check my schedule and I need to plan a meeting with your record label. It's more than just asking me and hopping on the bus." She says.

"I know, I already talked to them. They said they would call you and set up a time for the next day or two. Sometime before we leave." Tristan explains.

"Wow, I'm impressed. Then let's just wish for the best." She said before their names were called for their orders.

The get their drinks and walk out. They drive back to the house and walk through the door.

"I'm back, and I brought a boy." Jessa yells.

"Great timing, London and Logan are on their way over. To talk about everything." Jonah says.

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